
Use CBC report to improve learning
Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). PHOTO/Print
Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). PHOTO/Print

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That the government has given a commitment to implement report of the special taskforce on the Competence-Based Curriculum (CBC) is a step in the right direction.

In past administrations, important reports with the potential to improve the management of public affairs were either not published in the first place or not implemented at all.

This particular one, which was presented to President William Ruto on Tuesday, has far-reaching implications for the future of Kenya’s children and how well the education system prepares them for the future of work. As such, it is critical that the government ensures buy-in by all concerned — particularly parents, teachers and learners — so that it can be implemented successfully.

Teachers are a critical stakeholder group. In 2013, it will be remembered, their opposition to the school laptops project, which would have digitised education, led to the collapse of the programme that would have put Kenyan learners in a good position to overcome the challenges that led to closure of schools during the Covid pandemic in 2019 and 2022.

The government must do all in its power to ensure that similar mistakes do not recur. This is the only way to ensure teachers — many of who are still highly skeptical of CBC and how it ought to be implemented — do not become a stumbling bloc to the new system.

In the same vein, parents who were not sure how the system would turn out, and who have been complaining about the hidden costs inherent in the system will need to be educated on the benefit of the curriculum so that they can embrace it and help their children to excel.

Equally important will be for the National Treasury to ensure the large amounts of money needed for the implementation this year and in subsequent ones is made available timeously.

A way ought to be found, therefore, to ensure that in this financial year and going forward, capitation funds are released on time to ensure smooth running of schools and maximum benefit for learners.

Even as it is implemented, new challenges are bound to arise along the way. The teams at the Ministry of Education and Teachers Service Commission (TSC) should, therefore, be challenged to offer versatile solutions to such challenges and be proactive in engaging stakeholders at every point.

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