Wycliffe Oparanya

Uhuru heads to Western with bag of goodies

Reading Time: < 1 minute President Uhuru Kenyatta is expected to kick-off his three day tour of the Western region of Kenya today. Uhuru who […]

Kakamega ANC aspirants headache for Mudavadi

Reading Time: 3 minutes Dennis Lumiti Amani National Congress (ANC) Party Leader Musalia Mudavadi faces a major headache due to the high number of […]

Wa Iria: I won’t vie for Council of Governors Chair

Reading Time: < 1 minute Murang'a Governor Mwangi wa Iria has said he will not contest for the chairmanship of the Council of Governors in the elections set for next week.

Revenue dry spell looms at Counties

Reading Time: 2 minutes County governments face two months of delayed funding after the National Treasury confessed yesterday of a shortfall in revenues on […]

Health facilities ill-equipped to handle second wave

Reading Time: < 1 minute  Hillary Mageka @hillarymageka County health facilities are ill equipped to contain the second wave of Covid-19 infections, it emerged yesterday. […]

Counties must never be pushed to the wall, again

Reading Time: 3 minutes Governors are at the end of their tether. According to the chairman of the Council of Governors (CoG), Wycliffe Oparanya, […]

Counties finally shut down after running dry

Reading Time: 2 minutes County governments have given the notice to shut down after their coffers ran dry. Council of Governors Chairperson Wycliffe Oparanya […]

Governors back amendment that increases allocation

Reading Time: 3 minutes Governors have thrown their weight behind nominated Senator Petronilla Were’s amendment on county revenue allocation, which seeks the approval of […]

Calls for DCI to investigate ministry staff

Reading Time: 2 minutes David Owiyo Governors and two legislators have told Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) to widen its probe on the  multi-billion-shilling […]

Twenty counties yet to meet Covid bed capacity target

Reading Time: 2 minutes At least 20 counties are yet to meet the 300-bed capacity target given by President Uhuru Kenyatta as part of […]