
Tax policy should eye economic growth, equity

Reading Time: 2 minutes Rightfully, Kenyans are up in arms against the punitive tax regime contained in the 2024 Finance Bill. But instead of […]

Kenya leads global team to raise $2.4tr in climate taxes

Reading Time: 2 minutes The International Tax Task Force on Climate funding, co-chaired by Kenya, Barbados, and France, held its first official meeting in […]

MPs give tax stamps firm ultimatum

Reading Time: 2 minutes A Swiss security solutions firm has been summoned by Parliament over a Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) excise tax stamps contract […]

Banks’ corporate tax input increases to Sh98.6 billion

Reading Time: 2 minutes Kenyan banks contributed more than a third of the total Sh274.36 billion corporate tax that the government earned from all […]

Resolve dispute on tax measures early

Reading Time: 2 minutes Without a doubt, there is a veritable difference between the tax measures that the government has proposed on the one […]

Experts warn on dangers of increasing capital gains tax

Reading Time: 3 minutes Experts have warned the government of the dangers of rushing into raising capital gains tax (CTG) as doing so could […]

President promises to increase tax collection by Sh500 billion

Reading Time: 2 minutes Kenyans will have to tighten their belts further following the announcement by President William Ruto that he targets to increase […]

Tax crackdown could scare away investors

Reading Time: 2 minutes It is no longer matter of conjecture that the country is going through lean economic times—straddled between declining revenue collection […]