
We have reduced food prices – Ruto

Reading Time: 2 minutes President William Ruto has today said that the government has reduced the price of food commodities. Ruto, while speaking during […]

Ruto to meet Governors over Muguka ban

Reading Time: 2 minutes President William Ruto has today agreed to meet with Governors from Mombasa, Kilifi, Taita Taveta and Embu Counties to discuss […]

May 23, 2024: Top news events to look out for today

Reading Time: 2 minutes Here is what you need to know to get up to speed with today’s happenings. Ruto’s US visit enters day […]

PHOTOS: Ruto touches down in Washington D.C, set to meet Joe Biden

Reading Time: 2 minutes President William Ruto, accompanied by First Lady Mama Rachel Ruto, arrived at Andrews Air Force Base today May 22, 2024, […]

PHOTOS: Ruto convenes special cabinet meeting on floods

Reading Time: 2 minutes President William Ruto is today expected to convene a special cabinet meeting in State House, Nairobi to discuss the ongoing […]

PHOTOS: Ruto attends Tanzania’s 60th anniversary union with Zanzibar

Reading Time: 3 minutes President William Ruto on Friday attended the 60th anniversary celebrations of the union between the former Republic of Tanganyika and […]

Utamaduni Day changed to Mazingira Day as Ruto signs into law Statute Law Bill

Reading Time: 3 minutes President William Ruto has signed into law the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill, 2024, which amends various provisions of 16 […]

‘There shall never be again extrajudicial killings or political assassinations’ – Ruto

Reading Time: 2 minutes President William Ruto has promised Kenyans that he will work tirelessly to prevent any recurrence of extrajudicial killings or political […]

Ruto congratulates Faye Diomaye as he is sworn in as Senegal president

Reading Time: 2 minutes President William Ruto has congratulated two recently elected African leaders, as they assume their respective offices. In a statement on […]

‘The CSs appointments that my boss Ruto got right is Ababu’s docket’ – Gachagua

Reading Time: 2 minutes Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua on Thursday heaped praise on Youths and Sports Cabinet Secretary (CS) Ababu Namwamba for his continuous […]