President Uhuru Kenyatta and DP William Ruto

UhuRuto negatively impacted economy by selling ICC fear to Kenyans – Raila’s campaigner claims

Reading Time: < 1 minutes The Chairperson of the Azimio la Umoja campaign board Ndirithi Muriithi now claims that the Jubilee capitalized on selling fear […]

Ruto bags Nyeri governor in tour of Mt Kenya region

Reading Time: 3 minutes Deputy PresidentWilliam Ruto used his three-day visit to Nyeri to lure yet another governor from President Uhuru Kenyatta’s backyard into […]

Let politicians, not technocrats run the government

Reading Time: 2 minutes Sammy Kwichichi Wekesa  The Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) Report recommends that the heads of ministries be drawn from elected MPs. […]