
Assembly and Demonstration Bill will give teeth to Constitution – Omtatah

Reading Time: 2 minutes Busia Senator Okiya Omtatah has revealed that the Assembly and Demonstration Bill will make the 2010 constitution more powerful. Okiya […]

Senator Omtatah vows to challenge privatisation of 11 State parastatals

Reading Time: 2 minutes Busia Senator and human rights activist Okiya Omtatah has vowed to oppose the government’s plans to privatise 11 State Corporations. […]

Omtatah in court over new taxes on phones, SIM cards

Reading Time: 2 minutes Activist Okiya Omtatah has moved to court to challenge the legality of new taxes imposed on mobile phones and SIM […]

Omtatah in court to stop Clerk hiring

Reading Time: 3 minutes An activist has moved to court seeking to stop the hiring of a new Clerk of the National Assembly as […]

Omtatah new push for Ruto to quit before August polls

Reading Time: 3 minutes Deputy President William Ruto may have to resign from his office before the election if a petition filed by activist […]

Investigate lawmakers with dual nationality, urges lobby

Reading Time: 2 minutes A lobby has petitioned the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) to investigate at least 10 sitting and former MPs over […]

Banknotes row: Omtatah, CBK take new currency battle to KICC

Reading Time: 2 minutes A three-judge Bench yesterday visited the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) to determine the controversy over the inclusion of founding […]

Legal battle: Omtatah challenges banknotes notice

Reading Time: 2 minutes Nancy Gitonga Human rights activist Okiya Omtatah has moved to court challenging a legal notice on new currency issued last […]