
Stop claiming our electoral boundaries, Isiolo MPs tell Meru Governor
'Raila is applying to join gov't through protests' - Kiraitu Murungi
Governor Kiraitu Murungi addressing a function in the past PHOTO/Courtesy

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Members of Parliament from Isiolo County have petitioned the government to resolve a boundary between Garissa, Meru and Isiolo counties following the release of the national census figures.

While they appreciated Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) for their significant increase in their numbers, the lawmakers have warned, if the current electoral dispute is not resolved, it risks degenerating into ethnic conflict that will be disastrous to their electorates.

Led by Deputy Majority Leader and Isiolo Senator Fatuma Dullo, the five legislators said the recent released census numbers has heightened the situation after political leaders from Garissa and Meru laid claim to some electoral parts belonging to Isiolo County.

The lawmakers fingered Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi and Lagdera MP Mohamed Hire Garane for laying claim to Ngaremara ward in Isiolo North constituency and Bulla Pesa in Isiolo South constituency.

They claimed with Isiolo being earmarked as a resort city and coupled with the ongoing LAPSSET project, some leaders want to forcibly grab their ancestral land.

“We want to take great exception to the claims by Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi. We want to tell him that Ngaremara ward in Isiolo County and it shall remain so, The census numbers should not be the reason for our neighbours to start claiming part our land,” Nominated Senator Abshiro Halakhe said at a press conference at Parliament Buildings on Thursday.

Ms Halakhe added: “We want the government to solve the boundary dispute as it a time bomb.”

“He should stop claiming Ngaremara of being part of Meru. If he wants to inflate numbers, Kiraitu should look for those figures elsewhere,” Isiolo North Legislator Hassan Hulufo warned.

According Hulufo, Ngaremara was an electoral ward before the new constitution and it has never changed, has it has an a member of County Assembly in Isiolo County.

“As far as we are concerned, they have been and are part of Isiolo, it shall remain to be so, they voted and they were enumerated in Isiolo,” the Isiolo North legislator noted.

On her part, Isiolo County Women representative Rehema Jaldesa called on the ministry of land to stop adjunction process currently being spearheaded by the Ministry of Lands and Physical planning.

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