Nyanza schools football final turns tragic, teacher die

By , July 15, 2024

Chaos, violence, and death marred the Nyanza Regional Secondary Schools boys’ football semi-final and final matches in Kisii County as debutants Matutu School ousted defending champions Agoro Sare 2-0. Meanwhile, Alara narrowly defeated Nyakach Girls to claim the region’s title.

During the boys’ weekend football semi-final between Agoro Sare and Matutu Secondary School at Car[1]dinal Otunga High School sports ground, vicious chaos erupted, allegedly prompted by Agoro Sare fans who unleashed violence against rival football supporters. Fan violence disrupted the staging of the boys’ final match between Matutu and Koderabara, who trounced former defending champions Ambira Boys ‘Mobimba’ High 2-0, courtesy of a brace by Samson Garson, assisted by Cliffton Makoro and Albert Otieno.

Due to the chaos and vio[1]lence, Nyanza Regional games official and Kisumu County games secretary George Osura stated that the final match was put off. The organizing committee will communicate the new date and venue, with stringent sanctions expected for Agoro Sare. Speaking to People Sport, Kisumu County school games vice-secretary Milka Matiku recounted witnessing Agoro Sare fans initiating violence against Cardinal Otunga High School fans, suspected of sup[1]porting neighboring Nyamira County’s Matutu. “Agoro Sare fans first at[1]tacked Cardinal Otunga students who were cheering Matutu players.

They later turned on Matutu support[1]ers and even threw objects at regional games officials, who fled for safety as the situation escalated, leading to the semi[1]final’s abandonment with about 12 minutes left,” Matiku described. Wycliffe Obondo, a foot[1]ball enthusiast and teacher at Achego Girls Secondary School, disclosed to People Sport that a volleyball coach from Riokindo Secondary School, fleeing the violence allegedly caused by Agoro Sare fans, tragically died in a road accident along the Oyugi-Mo[1]socho-Kisii road near Cardinal Otunga.

 Confirming the incident, Kisumu County games secretary Osura expressed condolences for the teacher’s death. In another interview, vic[1]torious Matutu boys’ football coach Kiboma Mounde, while acknowledging the tough match against Agoro Sare, blamed the chaos, hooligan[1]ism, and violence on unruly Agoro Sare fans. “We were leading 2-0 when Agoro Sare fans sparked chaos and violence.

 One of my play[1]ers, David Ogonyo, suffered a serious head injury from a stone and was rushed to Kisii Teaching and Referral Hos[1]pital, where he received six stitches. My assistant coach was also injured,” lamented Mounde, attributing fan mis[1]conduct in school football and the Football Kenya Federation Premier Leage unruly behaivour.

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