Nominated member of parliament Godfrey Osotsi has accused Kakamega senator Cleophas Malala of advancing Deputy President William Ruto’s agenda from within Musalia Mudavadi’s team.
According to the nominated lawmaker, Musalia Mudavadi is surrounded by leaders who divulge key information deliberated in strategy meetings to his potential opponents in the upcoming 2022 polls.
“Musalia Mudavadi, you are a leader we respect. You are a leader who can become Kenya’s president. But take time to vet those around you. They claim to help you but they are not. These people are moles working for other people. They seat with you inn boardrooms but they are working for other people,” Osotsi said.
Osotsi further claims that Malala and a faction of Amani National Congress leaders have been criss-crossing the Western region, under the guise of campaigning for Mudavadi, but actually drumming up support for Deputy President William Ruto.
Osotsi stated that the politicians have instituted an anti-Raila campaign, a mission he opines is covertly designed to benefit Ruto.
He added that the leaders are wittingly pushing Mudavadi to contest for the presidency, when they actually know he stands no chance in a contest that pits him against Deputy President William Ruto and ODM party leader Raila Odinga.
“They pretend to defend you, they attack Raila Odinga, but in reality, they are not with you. They are with you during the day but when the night comes they shift allegiance to Ruto. They know you can’t win but for their own expediency, they have to use you,” he said.