
Ruto unveils secretariat to assist Raila in his AUC bid
Valerian Khakayi
President William Ruto and Raila Odinga. PHOTO/@HusseinMohamedg/X
President William Ruto and Raila Odinga. PHOTO/@HusseinMohamedg/X

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President William Ruto has unveiled a secretariat that will assist in Raila Odinga’s campaign for the chairmanship in the African Union Commission (AUC).

Speaking during the official unveiling of Raila’s AUC bid on Tuesday, August 27, 2024, in State House, Ruto said that the secretariat will be led by Kenya’s Foreign Affairs Principal Secretary Korir Sing’oei and the former Kenyan ambassador to the US Elkana Odembo.

The Head of State further added that the secretariat team will also include a diverse membership drawn from the five regions of the African community.

“To assist in making the case for Hon Odinga’s candidature, I also unveil the secretariat, which will be led by Kenya’s Foreign Affairs Principal Secretary Korir Sing’oei and Ambassador Elkana Odembo. It will also include a diverse membership drawn from the five regions of the African Union,” Ruto disclosed.

Calling up Africans to rally behind Raila, Ruto said that the assignment at the AUC is a noble cause aimed to bring freedom and democracy, stability and security, peace and prosperity.

Opposition leader Raila Odinga at a past function. PHOTO/@RailaOdinga/X
Opposition leader Raila Odinga at a past function. PHOTO/@RailaOdinga/X

“The assignment we are called upon to undertake at the African Union Commission is the work of all Africans, for all Africans and a noble cause to bring our peoples and nations in touch with the
promise of the glorious future we all deserve. A new chapter in our common journey has begun, and we shall travel on this road to freedom and democracy, stability and security, peace and prosperity, with all our people, all their leaders, governments and our partners throughout the world,” Ruto said.

“We take this assignment seriously and have entrusted it to a most capable steward.”

Ruto on Raila’s candidature

Endorsing Raila’s candidature, Ruto stated that the former Prime Minister is a visionary leader who possesses the professional capacity and experience adding that he is the ideal candidate to lead the African Union Commission.

“Kenya endorses Raila Odinga’s candidacy unreservedly, and we commit wholeheartedly to supporting his candidature, his vision and his leadership. Hon Raila Odinga is a celebrated statesman whose longevity in leadership has been sustained by an unrelenting devotion to democratic change as the foundation of sustainable freedom and prosperity,” Ruto said.

'I am grateful to President Ruto for backing my AU candidacy'- Raila
President William Ruto and Azimio la Umoja – One Kenya coalition leader Raila Odinga after paying a visit to President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda on Monday, February 27, 2024. PHOTO/Raila Odinga(@railaodinga)/X

“He possesses the professional capacity and experience, a proven track record of transformative leadership and wide experience of accomplishment at the national and regional levels I know that Odinga not only possesses the requisite credentials, but he is also the ideal candidate to lead the African Union Commission,” Ruto said.

“Odinga enjoys a sterling reputation as a zealous Pan-African who has consistently demonstrated a strong faith in Africa’s possibilities and exemplary commitment to the cause of laying a robust foundation for Africa’s transformation in our time.”

The ODM party leader will need at least 32 votes to clinch the AUC chairmanship with 48 African Presidents expected to cast their votes.

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