
Ruto-allied politicians kicked out of Uhuru rally

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By PD Reporter and PSCU 

A Member of Parliament and scores of Members of County Assembly allied to Deputy President William Ruto were Friday kicked out  before President Uhuru Kenyatta arrived at Nyandarua County Commissioner’s office in Ol Kalou.

Ol Kalou MP Ken Mukira who had arrived at the venue asked why he was being chased away and yet he was the host.

“This is very unfair to me to be chased away and yet I am the host. We are waiting for the governor to give us directions, ” he said.

More than 10 MCAs were also ordered out  by security officials as they waited for the President to arrive. They were to sit at the dais set aside for them when officers ejected.

Nyandarua County Assembly Chief whip Kamau Gathungu  claimed  they were accused of siding with Ruto.

“We had entered the venue waiting for the President to arrive when we were confronted by four men. They ordered us to leave saying that we belonged to Tangatanga. We are waiting for further directives here outside,” Gathungu.

Earlier, President Uhuru Kenyatta had launched the construction of Sh1.8 billion Naivasha to Njabini road. 

The upgrading of the 32km earth road to bitumen standard is expected to be complete by August 2022.

Addressing thousands of jubilant wananchi who turned out to witness the launch, the President said the new road will enhance the smooth movement of farm produce from agriculturally rich region to markets. 

“This new road is key to improved economy in this region. It will help our farmers to take their produce to markets,” the President said adding that the new road will help reduce travel time between Nakuru and Nyandarua counties.

The President reiterated that projects being implemented by his government are aimed at improving the lives of Kenyans and that the commissioning of a potato factory in O’lkalaou is a major boost to the farmers in the area. 

He assured dairy farmers that his Government through the ministry of agriculture is doing everything possible to ensure good prices for their milk.

The Head of State challenged political leaders to concentrate on development projects instead of focusing on unending politics.

“Wananchi elected me to work for them and hence I will focus on what is my mandate. I will personally return to this place to come and inspect the progress of this road. Those who are politicking are doing so for their selfish interests,” the President said. 

On national cohesion, President Kenyatta said he will continue to spearhead efforts to unite Kenyans and that no one will stop his efforts towards building lasting peace and harmony in the country. 

“We cannot afford to continue having a cycle of violence and destruction of property after every five years. I am determined to bring all Kenyans together for peace and development,” the President said adding he will continue selling his vision of a prosperous country directly to citizens at the grassroots. 

Nyandarua Governor Francis Kimemia who led local political leaders in welcoming the President assured the Head of State of his support and that of the residents of the county as he spearheads efforts to unite and develop the country.

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