
Rival youths clash at Ruto Kisii rally

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Deputy President William Ruto’s political rally was yesterday interrupted at Itibo market in Bobasi in Kisii after rival youths clashed as he addressed the crowd, prompting police intervention.

The officers lobbed tear gas and dispersed the youths as the deputy president continued with his speech amid showers.

Some youths were hurt during the confrontation with the DP accusing his opponents of sponsoring chaos in his meetings.

“Leave him if he is hurt and take him to hospital,” Ruto said as police arrested some of the protestors.

Addressing crowds at Kegogi, Masimba, Nyamache, Itibo and Nyabururu areas, he appealed to leaders to shun inciting youths to violence and instead formulate policies to empower them to lead decent lives.

“I urge my rivals to stop using youths to cause chaos. They do not want it. They want jobs to improve lives,” the DP said.

He said there was a similar incident during his tour of Kisumu when his convoy was pelted with stones.

“Our opponents are using youth to cause violence because they have run out of ideas,” he said.

Ruto who was in Kisii to stem an onslaught that saw his key pointmen defect to Raila Odinga’s ODM camp, accused leaders from the region of opening old wounds related to the 2007/8 post-election.

Ruto urged Kenyans to be wary of leaders bent on inciting them to turn against each other to achieve selfish interests. He said there were schemes being orchestrated by his competitors to incite Kenyans against each other to evoke tribal emotions.

The DP said the schemes to disrupt peaceful coexistence among Kenyans was being executed by his detractors, including senior government officials.

Civil servants in politics
Speaking in Kisii county during a series of rallies, Ruto asked civil servants to steer clear of politics and focus on the duties of serving Kenyans. 
The DP said it was unbelievable some  senior government officials were inciting Kenyans to engage in violence instead of asking the people to embrace peace.

He was accompanied by MPs Sylvanus Osoro (South Mugirango), Vincent Kemosi (West Mugirango), Alpha Miruka (Bomachoge Chache), Kimani Ichung’wah (Kikuyu), Justice Charles Nyachae (East African Court of Justice judge) and former MP Omingo Magara (South Mugirango).

 The MPs claimed Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i was inciting the Kisii community against others. 

Osoro asked Matiang’i not to ruin the Kisii community good relations with other communities.

“We do not want anyone to incite us against our neighbours. The Kisii community is hardworking, we live harmoniously with other communities in every part of the country,” said Osoro.

Nyachae said those trying to revive the ghost of 2007 are taking a dangerous path that would take the country backwards.

“We are not looking back. We are focused on the future,” said Nyachae.
The DP’s visit comes days after his lost some of key allies including the party’s Coordinator Samuel Omwando, who rejoined the Orange Party.
Skipped rallies

Kisii Deputy Governor Joash Maangi, Ruto’s strong ally in the region has retreated to ODM and set his eyes on the governorship. Maangi did not attend Ruto’s rallies.

The defection of Omwando and Maangi’s leaves the DP with Osoro, former area lawmaker, Magara and Racheal Otundo, an aspirant for the governorship.

In Nyamira County, the DP has also suffered a blow after one of his trusted political lieutenants and   business partner Patrick Osero ditched UDA.

Sources intimated to People Daily, Osero took U-turn after being advised and convinced to do so by CS Matiang’i who assured him that after decamping UDA and join the Handshake team, he would personally use his resources to make sure that he becomes the next MP for Borabu constituency.

Osero seeks to succeed Ben Momanyi who has declared interest in the Nyamira governorship. For the last 15 years, Osero has unsuccessfully run for the seat.

Nyamira county ODM chairman Richard Kaka told People Daily after capturing Osero to their party, they are now scheming and planning to raid the UDA leadership so as to weaken Ruto’s political fortunes in the county.

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