
Raila, ODM beat another retreat over dialogue
Orange Democratic Movement Secretary Edwin Sifuna at a past event. PHOTO/PRINT

Opposition leader Raila Odinga’s Orange Democratic Party (ODM) yesterday made an about-turn over its earlier decision to be included in President William Ruto’s Cabinet and warned her members to do so at their own peril.

In what could be interpreted as a move aimed at giving in to public pressure that had not taken Raila’s decision to President Ruto’s government, the orange party dismissed the accusations that the party has prevaricate or flip-flopped on the matter as false.

Instead, ODM warned its members who make themselves available to join the Kenya Kwanza Cabinet or any other position should not drag the name of the party and should do so as individuals.

The party made the declaration with speculation rife that President Ruto could name the remaining half of the Cabinet today after naming the first 11 last Friday.

Speculation is rife that ODM members …Deputy Party Leaders and former governors Wycliffe Oparanya (Kakamega) and Hassan Ali Joho (Mombasa) and party national chairman as well as nominated MP John Mbadi could be named into the Cabinet.

Broad-based government

Raila’s latest change of heart over the proposed “broad-based government” now appears to resonate with the position held by other Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Alliance affiliates which have vehemently opposed the decision, claiming it was aimed at “sanitising” President Ruto’s government.

Yesterday, Wiper leaders maintained their adamant stance on the formation of a government of national unity, insisting that they will not be part of the government despite calls for a broad-based government comprising the opposition.

Addressing a press conference at Parliament buildings, Wiper Democratic Party MPs distanced themselves from an earlier decision held by ODM to allow her members to be appointed into the Cabinet.

But in an earlier statement announcing the change of mind, ODM said it is not negotiating with the Kenya Kwanza government for any coalition or political arrangement but is only focusing on national conversation for a better Kenya.

“Any ODM member who makes themselves available to join the Kenya Kwanza Cabinet or any other position should know that they do so without the blessing or support of the Party,” ODM Secretary General and Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna said in a statement.

The party said it was categorical that it cannot be mere bystanders when the current situation and future of “our nation are at stake.”

“We wish to make it unequivocally clear that we are not in negotiations with the Ruto regime for any coalition or political arrangement,” said Sifuna.

All-inclusive conversation

Instead, Sifuna was categorical that the way forward is through an honest, all-inclusive National Conversation, adding that the position was firmly stated by Raila Odinga, on July 9, following the Presidential assent to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Amendment Bill, 2024 at KICC.

“Our commitment to this cause is steadfast, as we recognize the urgent need for transformative change in our nation. As a major political player, ODM has repeatedly emphasized that we cannot be mere bystanders when the current situation and future of our nation are at stake,” said Sifuna.

Yesterday, Sifuna maintained that the Orange party’s irreducible minimum includes compensation to the families of the victims of extra-judicial executions and persons injured by the state since last year and release of all persons in custody as well as termination of all cases related to protests since last year.

In addition, the Orange party wants the prosecution of policemen involved in shooting to kill or maim protestors and the sacking of the Nairobi Police Commander, Adamson Bungei.

According to Sifuna, a narrative has been woven that ODM is desperate to join the government yet they were only seeking a national conversation preceded by the creation of the necessary environment through the implementation of the conditions above.

He regretted that some of the party members have also fallen for the campaign of lies and misinterpreted ODM’s stance as a license to engage the Kenya Kwanza leadership and canvass for ministerial and/or other positions in the Ruto government.

“The ODM party remains committed to its principles and the ongoing struggle for a better Kenya. We will continue to stand with the people and fight for the justice and reforms that our nation desperately needs.”

Sifuna further maintained that the party has not wavered her position in support of the ongoing struggle to address the longstanding governance issues as pointed out by Gen Z.

“We have noted with concern continued attempts to misrepresent its position on the ongoing crisis in the country and specifically on the proposed national dialogue to resolve the same. The accusation therefore that the party has prevaricated or flip-flopped on the matter is totally false,” Sifuna said.

However, cracks emerged following Sifuna’s statement with MPs Opondo Kaluma (Homa Bay Town) taking a hardline position.

“This is not what ODM resolved in the last meeting. Please communicate the true Party position or we sack you, with immediate effect,” said Kaluma.

Speaking on the floor of the National Assembly, Kaluma charged that all Kenyans should be included in the governance of the country, saying that Raila should send the other names immediately for them to be vetted and passed immediately.

In a veiled attack apparently targeting Sifuna, Kaluma warned some unnamed individuals in ODM allegedly signalling conflicting positions, saying they should remember they are holding their positions on an interim basis and can be removed.

“As a person from an ethnic community, I will not agree to a position where people are saying everybody is in government, except Luos. Luos also pay taxes. I want President Ruto to nominate to the Cabinet names of the people that Raila was to send to him. Everybody must be included in the government,” Kaluma told a bemused House.

But Caleb Amisi (Saboti) differed with him.Amisi claiming that Raila has had selfish individuals surrounding him with every big wig around him scrambling to join the Cabinet.

“Raila has had selfish individuals around him. Every big wig around Baba is scrambling to join the cabinet. They do not even care whether Raila gets AU, or whether he goes home as long as they join the cabinet. Some are even calling President Ruto directly. I think we were never on the same journey. I am disappointed,” charged Amisi on his X account.

Senator Dan Maanzo, an ally of Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka asserted that Azimio La Umoja will remain intact despite the calls by some individuals to close ranks with the government saying individual decisions will not sway the political outfit.

“Those who want to join the Cabinet are free to do so, those who want to be appointed should go ahea and they will be vetted,” he said.

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