
Outgoing leader Raila laments ODM flailing prospects in Coast
ODM leader Raila Odinga. PHOTO/@TheODMparty/X
ODM leader Raila Odinga. PHOTO/@TheODMparty/X

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Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, the outgoing leader of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), yesterday dismissed claims the party has joined the government, reiterating that ODM remains steadfast in its opposition role.

Speaking at party delegates’ conference in Mombasa, Raila addressed reports of a supposed alliance between ODM and the Kenya Kwanza administration, calling them misleading and unfounded.

“Claims of a marriage between ODM and the government are neither here nor there. We are not in any coalition with Kenya Kwanza. If they want one, there must be a national conversation to address the many unresolved issues, including constitutional matters. These must be dealt with properly to put the country on the right footing,” Raila told the delegates.

Raila also called for the swift formation of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) to handle pending by-elections across the country, particularly highlighting the nullified election of ODM’s Harrison Garama Kombe in Magarini, Kilifi County.

“Where is Kombe? This is our candidate. He was mistreated in Magarini, but we are behind him, and we will do whatever it takes to ensure he retains the seat,” Raila affirmed.

In an emotional address, the outgoing ODM leader reflected on the long struggle for democracy in Kenya, a journey he said had claimed many lives.

Recounting the party’s roots from the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), through Ford, to the original pentagon of ODM, Raila expressed regret that many Kenyans do not understand the sacrifices made to achieve the current constitutional order.

“I was there when people were killed fighting for democracy. Most Kenyans do not understand because they have not seen these things,” he said tearfully.

Raila also lamented the erosion of ODM’s dominance in its coastal strongholds, citing counties such as Kwale, Kilifi, Lamu and Taita Taveta.

He warned that the party must rejuvenate itself, comparing it to an aging snake that must shed its skin.

This is even as ODM prepares for its internal elections to navigate  the current political landscape, with Raila’s farewell as party leader marking the end of an era, while the party seeks to chart a renewed course under new leadership.

 “This is why we need elections. In other countries, party elections are held peacefully, without violence. Why should ours be a matter of life and death? Why should we spend excess resources and bring in police for party elections? I want you to show Kenyans true democracy in our elections,” he urged.

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