Wavinya’s gesture to Kwanthanze school laudable

By , March 8, 2023

Kwanthanze Mixed Secondary School in Machakos is not a household name in Kenya. However, its girls volleyball team has placed the school on the global map. For a good cause.

The team arrived back in the country Friday from Casablanca, Morocco, after winning the Africa Secondary School Sports Championships after they trounced host Lycee Bir Anzarane of Morocco to scoop the victory.

Consequently, the team will later in the year jet out to Paris, France, where it will participate in the World Championship. Ahead of the Morocco heroics, Kwanthanze had earlier won the East Africa Schools Championship in Arusha, Tanzania.  

The school in Machakos town has been winning regional championship for several years now and has become a destination for sports tourism with other schools visiting to benchmark on the volleyball.

 The county Governor Wavinya Ndeti deserves a pat on the back for the manner in which she has vigorously stood out to support the team and the entire school to achieve the feat it has registered. She has set an example that can be emulated by her counterparts across the country.

When the team qualified for the African Championship, her county government threw total support behind the squad by sponsoring the trip, including meeting accommodation costs and air tickets.

 While the girls were in Morocco, Wavinya despatched a 25-member delegation from the county Assembly and Executive, led by Sports CEC Member Onesmus Muasya and his Education counterpart Charles Mutinda, who is also a member of the Presidential Working Taskforce on Education, to accompany coach Justin Kigwari and give them moral support. 

Upon their return, the girls were received at the airport  by the county deputy governor Francis Mwangangi before being hosted by Wavinya to a sumptuous breakfast at a Nairobi hotel.

However, it is Wavinya’s commitment to support the girls’ education that is most inspiring. Apart from donating Sh2.5 million to the school, the first woman governor for Machakos pledged that her government would sponsor the education of all the players from whatever class each one of them is in now until they complete Form Four.

This is a very commendable gesture from Wavinya for which she must be congratulated. 

Globally, sports has become a business. Sports has produced some of the most richest celebrities around the world be it in football, athletics and boxing or golf, tennis and cricket. However, the talents were nurtured at a very nascent stage and that is why success is guaranteed. 

It is against this background that Wavinya’s decision to support school and pay for the girls’ school fees is very encouraging.

Most young Kenyans lack support to enable them excel in sports. Vihiga Governor Wilbur Otichillo is noted for supporting two football teams in his county, both for women and men. 

Former Kericho Governor Prof Paul Chepkwony was also a strong supporter of a local team by the name Kericho Zoo. 

However, no governor  has come out to throw their weight behind schooling children or a learning institution the way Wavinya has done. Plaudits are in order. Kudos Governor Wavinya!

—The author is the Revise Editor, People Daily — kwayeram@tahoo.co.uk

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