Study of Xi Thought will solidify development, democracy and rule of law

By , April 6, 2023

The fact that Chinese President Xi Jinping has become an icon in global leadership is now a foregone conclusion. Even as the West persistently tries to paint the picture of an authoritarian leader to create an ideological wedge between China and the rest of the world, it is evident that President Xi’s style of leadership is increasingly being validated as true democracy.

This explains the major reason why Xi was unanimously re-elected as president for an unprecedented third term during the Two Sessions held in March. As early as 2014, just two years into power, a study on global perceptions of international leaders by the Harvard Kennedy School’s Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation showed that Xi was the most popular president both at home and abroad, with a composite 8.7 rating out of 10.

This was a sign of things to come. However, successful leadership comes with great sacrifice from a true and great leader. Xi’s background and credentials from the grassroots as local party secretary, and later as governor of Fujian from 1999 to 2002, his track record is one of vision and determination to better the lives of his countrymen. Since rising to the helm in 2012, Xi has taken far-reaching measures to enforce party discipline and strengthen internal unity.

Such a rich journey in leadership needs not only to be documented, but emulated as well. Xi’s experiences since becoming president have been published in four volumes of a series titled, “Xi Jinping: The Governance of China”. This is a four-volume collection of speeches and writings by Xi, who is also the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC). The collection presents CPC’s official line on China’s development in the 21st century, and is the authoritative source of Xi’s thinking.

On March 17, Chinese lawmakers passed constitutional amendments that incorporated Xi Jinping’s ideas of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era into the Constitution. Through this new campaign, all party members are expected to thoroughly study, understand and implement the guiding principles of the 20th National Party Congress, adopt a new development philosophy, advocate a new development model, promote high-quality development and accelerate China’s modernization.

In a meeting presided over by President Xi on Thursday, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee launched a theoretical study program on the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era starting April this year. The study program aims at reawakening the country’s senior leadership to the core values that have transformed China from a poor weakling intimidated by foreign countries, to the current formidable social, economic and cultural entity it is today.

The education program targets CPC members, especially district and senior functionaries and managers. Through the study, they are expected to achieve unity of thought, will and action with the Party’s new theories and perpetuate its founding spirit. The course is designed to remind all Party members of its original aspirations and founding mission. In this, Xi appreciates his CPC predecessors, on whose foundation he has built the current formidable edifice.

The Thought clarifies eight fundamental questions at a theoretical level, and describes the basic principles in 14 points that guide the initiative. The main goal of upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics is to achieve socialist modernization and national revitalization. It pursues equal development and welfare for every citizen, it seeks to promote law based governance, and the building of a world class military and placing the Party as the highest force for political leadership.

Some of the fourteen fundamental principles include comprehensively deepening reform, upholding core socialist values, ensuring harmony between humans and nature, and upholding the principle of “one country, two systems” and national reunification. Others include promoting the building of a community with a shared future for humanity, pursuing a holistic approach to national security, and committing to a people centered approach.  

In addition, the program underscores the importance of humility, caution, diligence, ability, motivation and courage in CPC’s fight to build a fully-fledged modern socialist country, and accelerate the great and holistic revitalization of the Chinese nation. It is a constant reminder of the inalienable core values and principles that have built the second largest economy in the world within an enviable time frame compared to the developed countries.

Participants at the just ended United States’ led Summit on Democracy lost a great opportunity to witness one of the most effective breed of democracy. Similar to the U.S. Dollar, the superpower’s popular version of democracy is facing headwinds, and is in urgent need of revitalization, if not rediscovery. Times have changed, inevitably, and there is need for a new thought on governance both at national and global levels.

Xi’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is a solid philosophy of governance that should guide leaders who are apolitical by virtual of the fact that they are more interested in the social and economic empowerment of their people than using leadership as a tool for pursuing selfish interests.

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