Agency conducts STEM outreach programme

By , June 14, 2024

The Centre for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA) is conducting a outreach programme across the country to equip Junior Secondary School (JSS) teachers and learners with knowledge and practical skills in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) learning areas.

The agency encourages use of locally available materials in the learning of concepts in STEM subjects. Manipulating the learning resources enables the learners to be creative and imaginative hence acquiring skills needed in the 21st Century.

The school outreach covers STEM subjects that include mathematics, integrated sciences (biology, physics and chemistry) and pre- technical studies in Junior School.

CEMASTEA officials who were equipped with computers, laboratory equipment and other innovative materials engaged with learners in various schools in Garissa to inspire and equip them with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in STEM subjects.

STEM pathway

Amina Sharbaidi, a CEMASTEA trainer said that CEMASTEA focuses on the STEM pathway because the intention as a country is to have 60 per cent of the learners transiting to the STEM pathway.

“For the attainment of the 60 per cent transition to STEM pathway, there is a need to sensitize both the teachers and learners in terms of these subjects. We have brought activities and learning resources for the learners to interact with in order to arouse interest and curiosity to learn the STEM subjects,” Amina said.

Timothy Masanja, a teacher at Iftin Junior School said that from what he has learnt from CEMASTEA, he will be able to incorporate learner experiences with his knowledge in teaching to realize a maximum output.

“CEMASTEA has equipped us with practical skills. We have learnt new ways of tackling concepts in the STEM learning areas and in enhancing learner engagement. We shall explore new ways of involving learners in the learning process,” he said.

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