
Ruto pledges to protect Kenyans’ taxes

Friday, October 20th, 2023 13:57 | By
President William Ruto during Mashujaa Day celebrations in Kericho
President William Ruto during Mashujaa Day celebrations in Kericho. PHOTO/@K24Tv/X

President William Ruto has once again promised to guard against the abuse of Kenyans' taxes.

The President said his eyes were wide open and he was awake just to ensure that public money is prudently managed.

"I will ensure that your taxes are well spent and that the corrupt persons are not allowed to misuse public money," Ruto said.

The President echoed his now-famous aphorism or Kiswahili corpus mambo ni matatu to nail his point, reiterating that no one will be allowed to embezzle public funds.

"I will make sure that monies appropriated to both national and county government is spent correctly it well utilized," Ruto added.

The President made the remarks during the 14th Mashujaa Day celebration held in Kericho town today.

The President announced that soon, Kenyans would see what his administration would do in the intensified purge on graf.

On ethnic diversity, the President said he was keen to promote national cohesiveness.

"No one will be discriminated against by the state because of his or her ethnic orientation. No. We will serve every with justice, equity, and compassion," said Ruto.

The President disclosed that his administration had established elaborate plans in line with the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda ( BETA), to create more wealth and employment opportunities for jobless Kenyans.

Ruto on affordable housing

To this extent, through the National Housing Corporation, the government intend to build at least 200,000 affordable low-cost houses annually.

Ruto said the initiative will see about 3-5 jobs created directly and 5-8 jobs created indirectly, with Juakali artisans getting more exposure to menial metal works and supplies to make steel doors and windows to improve their income per Capita.

The President also challenged Kenyans to be more innovative saying his regime was out to promote talents by all means.

"We want everyone to be the best every day. This if upheld, will make a difference. We want to build a more focused nation towards growth and prosperity," he said.

"To this extent, no one will be discriminated against instead more effort and synergies will be pulled and redirected towards building a vibrant economy and productive workforce across the country."

He called for the nurturing of talents and the promotion of progressive mindsets.

In attendance were Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, speakers of the National Assembly Moses Wetangula and the Senate Amason Kingi, and Majority leaders in the Lower and Upper Houses Kimani Ichungwa and Aaron Cheruiyot respectively.

Others were Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen, ICT CS Eliud Owalo, Health CS Susan Nakhumicha, Sports CS Ababu Namwamba, Internal Security PS Dr Raymond Omollo and a host of state orderlies and members of the diplomatic corps.

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