
Row in Baringo as governor, his deputy disagree over list of nominees

Monday, May 8th, 2023 03:30 | By
Benjamin Cheboi
Baringo Governor Benjamin Cheboi.

Baringo Governor Benjamin Cheboi (pictured) and his deputy Felix Maiyo Kipng’ok have clashed over the choice of nominees for Chief Officer positions submitted to the County Assembly.

 Kipng’ok who succeeded his father Charles Kipng’ok after his demise upon  developing breathing difficulties aboard a Kenya Airways plane in September last year, yesterday took to social media to express his dissatisfaction over the choice of Cheboi’s nominees.

 Maiyo posted a picture of his late father in one of the county’s WhatsApp groups saying that he has failed to deliver his father’s wishes and went ahead to ask him for forgiveness. “I am sorry to have failed in delivering your wishes. Please forgive me. Continue resting in peace dad,” Kipng’ok wrote on Baringo Liberal Minds WhatsApp Group.

 Kabarnet ward Member of the County Assembly (MCA) Arnest Kibet who was elected on a United Democratic Alliance (UDA), just like the governor also supported Kipng’ok’s position.

Nominee list

“We had a plan to work together with Governor Cheboi but now we will no longer support his ideas. It was a shock to see that he side-lined DG Kipng’ok and Baringo Central in the CO’s list. This confirms to us that Governor Cheboi is doing his own things,” Kibet wrote on his Facebook page.

Cheboi forwarded the list of the 19 Chief Officers to County Assembly Clerk Winnie Chemase to be tabled and for approval at the assembly slated for Tuesday.  “Pursuant to Section 45 (1) of the County Government Act No. 17 of 2021, I hereby forward names of nominees for appointment as County Chief Officers on recommendation of the County Public Service Board,” Cheboi’s letter to the assembly read in part.

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