
Police vehicle almost knocks down protester in Nairobi CBD

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024 17:52 | By
Protesters running away as police vehicle approaches at a high speed. PHOTO/Screengrab by People Daily Digital
Protesters running away as police vehicle approaches at a high speed. PHOTO/Screengrab by People Daily Digital

A protester was on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, almost knocked down by a police vehicle in Nairobi's Central Business District.

A video captured by K24 TV along Moi Avenue shows the protester running for his dear life as the police vehicle, a Land Cruiser pickup approached at a high speed.

The protesters who for the better part of Tuesday engaged the police in running battles, were kneeling, sitting and lying on the road as they displayed anti-government placards.

Protester unaware

One of the protesters who was sitting on Moi Avenue was unaware when the police approached from his back at high speed.

As his fellow protesters scampered for safety, the protester who was sitting on the road at the time, was almost run over, as he struggled to rise and run.

He, however, managed to run after he decided to leave his shoes behind.

The police vehicle stopped briefly before speeding off towards Muindi Mbingu Street.

Moi Avenue was the playing ground for the protesters in the Tuesday demonstrations, with some of them dropping empty coffins on the usually busy street.

Protesters drop coffins

The protesters placed more than four coffins on both lanes of  Moi Avenue, near Jevanjee Gardens.

One of the coffins was opened by the protesters before the law enforcement officers fired several rounds of teargas to disperse the group of youth who had gathered around them.

The coffins were dropped as a way of raising alarm over the shooting of protesters, use of force and abductions of the protesters who have been on the streets for over two weeks now.

Police officers reacted swiftly and took away the coffins which were left along the street, and loaded them into a waiting police lorry parked on the other side of the road.

Reduced activity

Apart from Moi Avenue, several other streets in Nairobi including Tom Mboya, Lithuli Avenue and Kenneth Matiba Avenue recorded reduced activity as shops remained closed.

The protests have seen several people die and others injured.

Journalists are among the people who have sustained injuries while covering the protests.

Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) data shows that 39 people have so far lost their lives in anti-government demonstrations.

361 others have been injured from the protests.

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