
Nyanza governors lament over budget cuts

Monday, July 1st, 2024 06:29 | By
Kisumu’s Governor Prof Anyang Nyong’o.
Kisumu’s Governor Prof Anyang Nyong’o. PHOTO/Print

Governors from Nyanza Region are up in arms against the proposed budget cuts that have been implemented after the punitive finance bill 2024 was rejected by the Kenyan people.

President William Ruto has since referred the bill back to parliament with a memorandum rejecting all its contentious clauses. He wants it redrafted.

Ruto had asked Kenyans to prepare for massive budget cuts on a number of development projects lined up across the country including allocation to counties.

But in a press statement, sent to the newsrooms, Governors led by Kisumu’s Prof Anyang Nyong’o (pictured) opposed the proposed budget cuts to the counties.

Ruto is proposing that the perceived deficit amounting to 346 billion expected from the rejected bill should be borne equitably by both national and county leadership

Previous years

The governors say the move is likely to negatively impact on their development programs and want their allocation left as was proposed without reductions. “This would be a travesty of justice on county governments whose share of revenue is based on the audited national accounts of three previous years,’’ Nyongo said.

They want the allocations left as it is. The governors from Nyanza are James Orengo (Siaya), Gladys Wanga (Homa bay), Ochillo Ayacko (Migori), Simba Arati (Kisii), and Amos Nyaribo (Nyamira).

 Orengo yesterday asked the President to be accountable to the rule of law and listen to Kenyans’ views.

“The President must be accountable while exercising power and authority by listening to people’s views and thereafter resolve the identified problems that spark resentment,’’ he said.

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