Nyandarua MCAs split on impeaching governor
By David Macharia, November 19, 2024
Nyandarua ward reps were divided yesterday on whether to support a motion to impeach Governor Moses Kiarie Badilisha.
The disagreement was evident during an informal meeting (or kamukunji) that members of the county assembly held in the House on Friday.
The impeachment issue was among the matters discussed in the five-hour closed-door meeting, said Majority Leader Mwangi Nyaga.
“It caught our attention because it is circulating on social media,” he said.
Shouts and raised voices could be heard from outside the chambers.
“I want to confirm to the people of Nyandarua that no impeachment motion has reached the county assembly,” he told reporters.
“If it [is] presented, it will be subjected to rules and procedures, because the assembly is governed by rules and regulations.”
Similar sentiments were expressed by Minority Leader Mwangi Gichuki.
The positions expressed by the two came as a relief to associates of the governor who were hovering around the assembly compound as the kamukunji was going on.
But deputy Majority Leader Kariuki Muhindi, who was watching as the leaders addressed reporters, kept mocking them, referring to them as “andu a mugaathe” (governor’s MCAs).
Muhindi reportedly is one of the ward reps supporting the impeachment motion.
About 20 MCAs attended the press briefing as those who participated in the kamukunji left the chambers and walked straight to their vehicles. They included Samuel Mathu, the drafter of the motion being circulated on social media.
People Daily sought to know when Mathu, the Mirangine MCA, would present the motion to the clerk, but he did not answer our phone calls.
Nyandarua people and other Kenyans were getting fatigued by impeachments, said Shamata MCA Gitau Njamba.
“People are tired of impeachment and are just waiting for a grand impeachment for sellouts in Mt Kenya. It is time for leaders to listen to the people,” he said.
People close to the governor and most MCAs who spoke in confidence said they suspect a bigger force is behind the efforts to oust Badilisha.
Nyaga, the majority leader, said the motion must get support from at least 13 MCAs before it is brought to the floor of the House.