Now CBC team begins public forums, seeks written reports

The taskforce reviewing the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) has now invited written submissions from Kenyans by November 18.
Through chairperson Raphael Munavu, it said: “Pursuant to provisions of Article 10(2)(a) and 232(1)(d) of the Constitution, the Presidential Working Party on Education Reform hereby seeks views from the public and other stakeholders to inform its terms of reference with respect to reform of the education sector.
“The working party is open to receiving views from individuals, public and private institutions, and all other interested parties. The views should be submitted by way of written memoranda, letters, or research papers,” he added in a public notice.
Scope of review
According to Prof Munavu, the public views should be on basic, tertiary and university education, as well as any other issue relevant to the education sector.
On basic education, Munavu said the views should cover areas like appropriate structure to implement the Competency-Based Curriculum and governance of the subsector. He said that the opinions should also cover conceptualisation and implementation of key tenets guiding competency-based approach, including but not limited to value-based education, community service learning, parental empowerment and engagement.
It should also include assessment and examination frameworks, quality assurance and standards framework, teacher education and training framework for both pre-service and in-service, teacher deployment framework and technology for curriculum delivery, improved learning outcomes and education management.
The task force is also seeking views on governance mechanisms of learning institutions and sharing of resources across schools and TVET institutions to ensure maximum utilisation of public resources for improved learning outcomes, public-school categorisation policies and implications on access, transition and cost.
They will be seeking opinion on appropriate financing framework, including capitation and minimum essential package grants for all levels of basic education, equitable access to education, especially for those facing social, economic and geographic marginalisation, vulnerable populations, children and persons with special needs and disabilities.
Also needed is an appropriate framework on the management and coordination of bursaries and scholarships for secondary school students.
“The views should address a framework for physical and e-infrastructure development and coordination of public-private partnerships for access and quality provision and a tracking system to capture and enroll children of school-going age to ensure universal access to pre-primary, primary and secondary education,” he said.
Other areas that the task force is seeking views from is on a tracking system to capture and enroll children of school-going age to ensure universal access to pre-primary, primary and secondary education.
Tertiary education
For tertiary and university education, the task force is seeking views on governance and financing for TVET training and development, university education, research and training, framework of operationalising the National Open University of Kenya and a framework on Open, Distance and e-Learning (ODEL).
They also want views on continuity in TVET and university education transition and amalgamation of Higher Education Loans Board, TVET and funding boards, with a view of harmonising and merging all tertiary education funding entities.
The team was launched last week and will be expected to give President William Ruto reports every two months and deliver a final report after six months.