
July 31, 2024: Top news events to look out for today

July 31, 2024: Top news events to look out for today
A judge holds a court gavel. Image used for representation purposes only. PHOTO/Pexels

Here is what you need to know to get up to speed with today’s happenings.

Agriculture PS Dr Kipronoh Ronoh inspection

Agriculture Principal Secretary Dr Kipronoh Ronoh will inspect tea factories in Litein, Kapkatet, Toror, and Kapkoros.

His visit comes six days after he opened an induction and corporate governance training for directors from Region Five in Nakuru.

Ronoh emphasized the need to enhance value addition at the factory level and revitalize factory performance.

He highlighted that some tea factories in the coastal region had recorded a worrying decline in earnings, increased stock of unsold tea, and declining quality.

Case mentions at Milimani Anti-Corruption Court

The Milimani Anti-Corruption Court will mention the case involving Bob Kephas, former Homa Bay County Assembly Clerk, and three others. This follows a suit for the recovery of Ksh26 million fraudulently acquired from the Homa Bay County Assembly.

Another case set for mention at the Milimani Anti-Corruption Court involves Richard Mutule Kilonzo, who is charged with abuse of office, unlawful acquisition of public property, and willful failure to comply with procurement laws. The allegations pertain to the unlawful acquisition of Ksh7.7 million as salary advances during his tenure as CEO of the Export Processing Zone Authority.

Scheduled power outage

Kenya Power has announced a scheduled power outage for Wednesday, July 31, 2024, affecting seven counties across Kenya. The outage is planned for maintenance purposes, with different regions experiencing temporary power cuts throughout the day.

In a statement on its official website, Kenya Power said, “Notice is hereby given under Rule 27 of the Electric Power Rules that the electricity supply will be interrupted as follows: (Periodic interruptions are necessary to facilitate maintenance and upgrades of power lines, connect new customers, or replace power lines during construction, etc.).”

The temporary outage is expected to significantly impact various sectors and daily activities in these areas.

Counties and areas affected


  • Area: Mwiki
  • Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Places affected: Neema Slaughter House, Gituamba Estate, Cieko Estate, Sunton Estate and adjacent customers.
  • Area: Githurai 44, Zimmerman
  • Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Places affected: Mirema Drive, Zimmerman Estate, Canopy, Midas Academy, Githurai 44, Bypass, Kiamumbi Estate, Maziwa Estate, Kahawa West, Kamiti Road, Kamiti Prisons and adjacent customers.


  • Area: Raiyani, Kahuguini, Nembu
  • Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Places affected: St. Monica, CRF, Nembu Secondary, Mutati, Kahuguini Shops, Karembu, Garoa Estate, Gateiguru, Nginduri, Thuita Secondary & adjacent customers.


  • Area: Riosiri, Nyamarambe
  • Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
  • Places affected: Nyamarambee Market, Nyabigena Boys, Riosiri, Kodero Bara Boys and adjacent customers.

Homa Bay

  • Area: Ringa, Kagongo
  • Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
  • Places affected: Sikri Market, Sikri Vocational Technical Institute, Mikai Market, Ober Boys High School, Otel Primary and Secondary, Kakelo Mixed Secondary School, Atemo Water Pump and Secondary School, Ringa Market & High School, Kadongo Market, Ramula Market, Lida Market, Mawego Technical, Kanu Market and adjacent customers.


  • Area: Ntimaru, Masangora
  • Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
  • Places affected: Kobinto, Masangora, Gwikonge, Nyabikongori, Kebarisia, Senta, Nyamutiro, Nyaroha, Kebaroti, Riamanyanki, Ntimaru, Kwiho and adjacent customers.


  • Area: Kinoru, Kirogine
  • Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Places affected: Kinoru, Magundu, Kainginyo, Kianthumbi, Mpuri, Kirogine, Kinjo, Ntimbiri, Katheri, Kathiranga, Githongo Tea and adjacent customers.


  • Area: Parts of Nyali
  • Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Places affected: Kisumu Ndogo Harambee Estate, Kambi Kikuyu, Kongowea Primary School, Fair Deal and adjacent customers.

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