
Namwamba, Mang’eni ego fight warms up Busia

Wednesday, May 29th, 2024 03:17 | By
Sports CS Ababu Namwamba consults with Principal Secretary SME's Susan Auma Mangeni when they attended the annual Bunyala cultural event in December 2022. PHOTO/Print
Sports CS Ababu Namwamba consults with Principal Secretary SME's Susan Auma Mangeni when they attended the annual Bunyala cultural event in December 2022. PHOTO/Print

The ongoing United Democratic Alliance (UDA) grassroots elections that are expected to enter the sub county level this weekend have seen senior government officials and politicians lock horns as they use all means to control the outcome in readiness for the 2027.

Using proxy candidates, high profile government officials and politicians have been burning the midnight oil to ensure that the persons they front carry the day at the grassroots level in a bid to influence the election of the party’s national officials scheduled later this year.

In Busia county, the elections have seen Youth Affairs, Sports and the Arts Cabinet Secretary Ababu Namwamba and Micro Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Principal Secretary Susan Mang’eni lock horns as they front for different candidates for the Busia county chairmanship.

Ababu is backing Ang’urai North MCA Maurice Chetambe while Mang’eni is rooting for former Samia ward aspirant Eugene Masombo for the position.

The Mang’eni team view Ababu as a man only out for leadership positi0ns without the aspirations and welfare of the populace.

“I am participating in this UDA because of my desire to create formidable structures at the grassroots level upon which our people can leverage on to address poverty, unemployment, and other burning problems,” Mang’eni told the People Daily yesterday.

Benefitting from BETA

According to Mang’eni, Ababu should utilise his position to mobilise the people of Busia into benefitting from President Ruto’s Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA).

“Does he know that Busia is the only county where leaders have not mobilised a delegation to the President to ask him about the economic charter they signed with him? This UDA elections is not about positions or kingpins, but organising people to benefit from BETA. The people know their problems and individuals who can address them, hence trying to impose leaders on them will not work,” Mang’eni says.

On the other hand, Ababu believes that by being the only Cabinet Secretary from Busia, he desrves to have a firm grip on UDA politics in the county.

UDA kicked off its first round of the polls on April 26 in Nairobi, Narok, Busia, West Pokot, Garissa, Isiolo and Homa bay at the polling centres level, before moving to the wards last week. On Friday, the elections are now scheduled to be conducted at the sub counties (constituencies) level before they get to the counties and thereafter, national level.

One must have support at the lowest level, the polling centre, to have any say at the national level.

Addressing 240 delegates drawn from Teso North and Teso South Sub Counties at Amagoro on Monday, Ababu said Busia is a multi ethnic county with Tesos and Luhyas, being dominant which should be respected.

The party goes to Friday’s elections with Chetambe and Masombo alias Samaki Kubwa gearing themselves up to vie for the county chairmanship.

Ababu vowed to use all means under his disposal to ensure the election of Chetambe, whom he described as a forthright individual capable of delivering on the UDA Bottom-Up Economic Transformational Agenda (BETA).

“ With me as the CS and my sister Susan Mang’eni as PS, and both from the Luhya community, we need to balance the county for purposes of unity and share resources, and achieve balanced leadership,“ said Ababu.

“He went on:” Chetambe has tested leadership. It was not easy to sell UDA in Teso North but he went against the grain to confirm he is a not a temporary leader.”

He disclosed that he had marshalled enough resources to ensure Chetambe sails through as the chairman at the County level, noting that he wants a person able to bring good leadership.

“I never back a losing side. I backed Ojaamong for two terms as Busia Governor, “said CS.

Alleviate poverty

But in response, Mang’eni says her main agenda is to help alleviate poverty in Busia by empowering the population through BETA.

“The problem in this country has been that the people on the ground have always been sidelined and ignored. But through the BETA approach, we are creating strong structures that would enable them actively participate and chart their own course,” Mang’eni says.

Chetambe said Mang’eni should not have fronted for Masombo’s candidature claiming the community stood with her when she was campaigning as Busia Woman Rep in the 2022 elections.

“ Mang’eni is forgetting that I was her point person in Teso North during her campaigns I don’t know why she has forgotten so fast,” Chetambe recalled.

Ababu said Ruto’s bottom-up approach style of leadership will make UDA county chairmen become the president’s political mouthpiece at county levels where they will be domiciled to monitor the country’s economic agenda.

The CS, in a veiled attack on individuals he did not name, told the county leadership to stop dividing the county along ethnicity lines, noting that favouring one community against the others in a multi ethnic county would make them unpopular

Namwamba said, besides being President Ruto’s Iteso Cultural Union ambassador, he had helped secure government jobs for the Iteso, including pushing for the appointment of the chairman of Lake Victoria North Water Works Development Agency John Imoite among others.

The same script is also repeating itself in several counties and regions such as Nyanza where Information Cabinet Secretary Eliud Owalo has locked horns with Interior PS Dr Raymond Omollo. As they front for different candidates in Homa bay, Kisumu, Siaya and Migori counties.

In Nairobi, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua is reportedly up against Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja. Gachagua is pushing Embakasi North MP James Gakuya for the chairmanship against Sakaja. The DP is also said to be rooting for former Kakamega Senator Cleophas Malala who is scheduled to defend his Secretary General seat against Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro.

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