Nairobi MCAs against Sakaja’s Ksh44b budget  due to funds decrease

By , December 16, 2024

Nairobi MCAs have opposed Governor Johnson Sakaja’s proposed supplementary budget, which seeks to increase the county budget to Sh44.46 billion from Sh43.56 billion.

At the core of their grievances is the reduction of the development budget from Sh14.26 billion to Sh12 billion, while recurrent expenditure has risen to Sh32.39 billion from Sh29.3 billion.

The move has sparked outrage among MCAs, who argue that prioritising recurrent expenditure over development undermines essential projects.

According to the MCAs, this shift directly contravenes the Public Finance Management Act of 2012, which mandates that at least 30 per cent of the county budget be allocated to development activities.

The proposed changes would leave the development budget at 27 per cent, which the ward reps want to be amended.

The situation has been worsened by the proposed reduction of the Sh1.9 billion Ward Development Fund (WDF) by Sh200 million.

Critical programme

The WDF is a critical programme that channels funds toward poverty alleviation and infrastructure development in Nairobi’s wards.

Many MCAs fear that the fund’s dwindling allocation will render it ineffective, further stalling key projects.

The Transport and Public Works sector has come under scrutiny for its budgetary proposals. Key allocations include Sh150 million for road equipment and Sh60 million for road maintenance, despite stalled projects and public dissatisfaction with the progress of road upgrades.

Additionally, MCAs have raised concerns over the allocation of Sh 510 million for road materials, an increase of Sh303 million, following revelations that materials purchased last year were stolen.

“This is the usual plan that the executive keeps playing with us by coming up with proposals aimed at enriching themselves,” former Mayor and Baba Dogo MCA Geoffrey Majiwa warned.

Going further, the ward reps have accused the governor and the finance department of ignoring sectoral recommendations and imposing self-serving proposals.

Projects such as the upgrading of the Drumvale-Sir Henry Ring Road in Ruai, initially budgeted at Sh137 million, face a Sh93.9 million cut, leaving contractors unpaid.

Furthermore, the County Assembly’s development budget would drop from Sh 1.63 billion to Sh1.28 billion under the proposal, while recurrent expenditure for the assembly would rise by Sh259.96 million.

In the first quarter of FY 2024-25, the county received Sh5.45 billion, comprising Sh1.71 billion in equitable share, Sh2.26 billion in Own Source Revenue, and a balance of Sh1.48 billion carried forward from the previous fiscal year.

However, the MCAs argue that these funds are being mismanaged, leaving crucial projects in limbo.

Further, Governor Sakaja is facing a growing backlash from the assembly, with several MCAs accusing him of dishonesty and lack of commitment to previously agreed-upon projects.

Woodley MCA Davidson Ngibuini warned that the governor risks losing their goodwill if he continues down this path. “We had a caucus with the governor where he gave us his goodwill on projects, but it is seemingly not there anymore,” he said.

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