Mung’aro’s order for return of county cars
By People.Reporter, September 9, 2022
Kilifi Governor Gideon Mung’aro has issued a one-week ultimatum to individuals holding public vehicles to release them back to the county government or face arrest.
Governor spoke when he visited Police headquarters on Wednesday afternoon to inspect some vehicles, which had been impounded by police after they were found in the hands of individuals yet they are supposed to be in the custody of the county government.
The vehicles including six pickup trucks were released back to the county after contractors completed their projects. Unfortunately, the vehicles ended up in the hands of individuals, mostly county senior employees who used them as personal properties.
“Most of the vehicles here are still in good shape and only need some minor repairs. I have been informed that there are more vehicles still in the hands of an individual. I need those vehicles back to the county garage before the close of business tomorrow, “ he told the county officer in charge of Transport.
Governor said the vehicles once in operation, would address the shortage that has affected several departments, hence affecting service delivery.