
Manyatta MP Mukunji advocates for accountability, responsible leadership

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024 20:29 | By
Manyatta MP Gitonga Mukunji has advocated for accountability in leadership. PHOTO/KNA
Manyatta MP Gitonga Mukunji has advocated for accountability in leadership. PHOTO/KNA

Manyatta Member of Parliament Gitonga Mukunji has called on elected leaders to honour the will of the people, emphasizing that true leadership is characterized by humility and responsiveness to the electorate.

Speaking at Lions Primary School Embu during the celebrations for Brair Wema who excelled in Chess for the Continental Youth Championship in South Africa, Mukunji underscored the need for leaders to stay grounded and remain connected with their constituents and avoid making their personal decisions on issues touching the people they represent.

"A leader's real power comes from being accessible and valuing the input of those who elected you. Since my election, I have learned that to rise in leadership, you must be close to the people and respect their voice," Mukunji declared.

Mukunji who was elected on a UDA ticket and voted against the finance bill, stressed that elected officials should not perceive themselves as infallible but rather as servants of the people who must be consulted regularly.

"We are in a new generation and dispensation in the country. Anyone who believes that being elected makes them unreachable or aloof is out of touch with the current era. Today's generation holds leaders accountable like never before," Mukunji stated.

Mukunji on Gen Zs

Mukunji highlighted the crucial role of Generation Z in shaping a more accountable and transparent political environment urging the government not to victimize anybody over the Gen Z demonstrations that have rocked the country for the last two weeks, but to see this engagement as a golden opportunity for inclusive development rather than a threat.

The first-term legislator also took aim at the Salaries and Remuneration Commission's (SRC) proposal to increase salaries for MPs and top government officials arguing that such a move is ill-timed and misaligned with the country's current priorities. Instead, he advocated for salary increments for teachers, police officers, and other deserving public servants who play a critical role in society.

"The prevailing narrative is for everyone to tighten their belts. Top leaders should not be an exception. I don't want any salary increment myself please SRC," he asserted.

Mukunji's principled stance has earned him widespread admiration, particularly his decision to vote against the contentious Finance Bill. This move has set him apart from other MPs who have faced backlash from their constituents for supporting the bill.

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