Mombasa businessman fined Ksh9.6 million for importing unfit rice
A Mombasa businessman has been ordered to pay outstanding taxes amounting to Ksh9.6 million to the Kenya Revenue Authority.
Abdalla Bwanamaka was slapped with a Ksh500,000 fine on Sunday, June 6 or face a one year jail term by the High Court after Chief Magistrate Edna Nyaloti found him guilty of undervaluing imported consignment of rice and scrap metal.
“The rice shall be destroyed as it is unfit for human consumption according to the certificate from the Kenya Bureau of Standards,” Nyaloti said.
The court ordered a multi agency team to supervise the destruction of the rice so that it doesn’t end up in the market.
Abdalla’s accomplices; Ali Mohamed and Abdulahu Hussein were each fined Ksh500,000 and Ksh1 million shillings respectively or face a one year jail term.
The court also gave a notice to the owner of the ship by the name MV Alfazad to appear before it and explain why the ship should not be forfeited to the government.
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Collins Osanya
Collins Osanya is a multimedia journalist, communications specialist, and creative writer.
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