
Ministry deploys experts to assess Murang’a landslide-prone regions

Tuesday, June 18th, 2024 04:12 | By
A home threatened by earth movements in Kahatia, Kahuro sub-county in December 2023. PHOTO/Wangari Njuguna

The ministry of Mining has dispatched a team of geologists to conduct seismic assessment in the landslide prone areas of Murang’a county.

Principal Secretary in the ministry Elijah Mwangi said the assessment will help determine the status of the areas for the safety of the residents.

He said the team is currently in Kangema where fault lines have been reported as they seek to establish the cause. 

Speaking during a visit in Murang’a county, the PS said after the report the government will determine whether to relocate the residents to another place to advertise loss of lives as it has been witnessed in several instances.

He pointed out that during every rainy season, landslides are reported in various parts of the county saying this is a major concern.

Kangema, Mathioya, Kigumo, Kiharu and Gatanga are the areas mostly affected by landslides.

“We will have more geologists deployed in the county so that they can do thorough assessment on this areas,” remarked Mwangi.

In May, six people from one family were killed after their houses were swept down by a landslides in Mathioya.

More than 400 families in the county were affected by the destructive rains. The total damage caused by the landslides is however yet to be assessed.

In other areas, tea farms were destroyed by the landslides leaving a handful of families with no source of livelihood.

Residents living in the landslide prone areas have been appealing to the government to relocate them to safer grounds.

With the landslides recurring every year, they there could be more destruction and loss of lives if they remain in the same place.

They said their parcels of land are completely destroyed and can no longer be used for farming.

“Parts of our lands are completely destroyed and we cannot go back there to farm or even rebuild our houses,” said Patrick Irungu a resident from Kangema subcounty.

Evacuations were conducted in households along Deliverance Road, Balozi Road, Baraka Road, Blessed Court, New Valley, Changombe, and KAG area

The latest information from the Kenya Red Cross indicated that six people in critical situations had been rescued.

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