Makueni county officials undergo training on community-led development
By People.Reporter, July 19, 2022
Officials from Makueni County Government have benefited from a two-day capacity strengthening workshop on the Community-Led Development (CLD) Assessment Tool delivered by facilitators from the Movement for Community-Led Development (MCLD), a global alliance of civil society organizations championing localization of sustainable development goals (SDGs).
“This capacity building session is essential in helping us to scale up community-led initiatives at the county level,” said Dr. Zipporah Wambua, Director of Public Participation and Citizen Engagement.
“The Tool will come in handy in supporting us to assess what’s working and what’s not working in our quest to advance community development,” adds Zipporah.
The Tool, which targets funders, governments, community members, and NGOs, is designed to create dialogue among stakeholders through participatory reviews at various junctures of the program life-cycle to determine how the program aligns with the CLD characteristics, and enable reviewers and stakeholders to undertake course corrections, where agreed and needed.
Last year, Makueni and MCLD signed a 5 year memorandum of understanding that will see the two entities collaborate to deepen CLD as a tool for achieving sustainable development for all. As part of the MoU, the county and the Movement are also collaborating to establish the Makueni CLD School, a resource centre set to strengthen capacity of communities and county and national government officials across the country.
“This initiative is a joint flagship project under this MoU. We are already done co-creating the curriculum for the school and we hope to officially launch it soon,” said Steve Ogutu, Country Lead, MCLD Kenya
The Movement is also set to sign MoU with Kisumu and Bomet counties. “Our goal is to work with all the 47 counties,” adds Steve