
LSK calls for demos on Friday to protest against Ruto’s remarks on judiciary

Thursday, January 11th, 2024 20:31 | By
LSK calls for demos on Friday to protest against Ruto's remarks on judiciary
LSK President Eric Theuri during a past function. PHOTO/Eric Theuri(@etadv)/X

The Law Society of Kenya (LSK) has confirmed plans to hold a peaceful street protest against President William Ruto's attacks on the Judiciary this Friday, January 12, 2024.

President Ruto recently revealed intentions to defy court orders halting key government projects, claiming that the judges had been compromised to sabotage the programmes.

In a notice shared on social media, LSK invited members of the public to join members of the legal community in calling out President Ruto for his utterances, which they insist amount to an attack on the independence of the third arm of government.

"Join the @LawSocietyofKe as we peacefully protest this Friday and reaffirm the commitment to defend the independence of the Judiciary and compliance with Court orders," LSK stated.

LSK said the peaceful protest and march will start from the Supreme Court Grounds in Nairobi, proceeding along Parliament Road to the Office of the President.

The secretariat has already written to the Police Commandant, Nairobi Area, requesting security during the exercise scheduled to begin at 9:00 am and conclude at noon.

LSK encouraged its members to wear purple ribbons and robes for the peaceful protest as a symbol of commitment to upholding the principles enshrined in the constitution.

"In light of the measures taken to ensure the security and safety of all participants, the LSK encourages your active participation in this crucial event. We urge members to turn up for this significant demonstration in large numbers.

"It is an opportunity for us to collectively voice our condemnation of statements undermining the Judiciary and to stand in solidarity with our esteemed colleagues," LSK secretariat told its members.

LSK President Eric Theuri had last week threatened to mobilise his members to stage street protests if the president failed to retract his comments on defying court orders.

In a statement, Theuri said Ruto's remarks amounted to an attack on the independence of the judiciary and rule of law.

“We remind the president that the same courts upheld his own election based on impartiality and at one time nullified another,” he stated.

“The president should refrain from undermine the judiciary. If the president says he can’t obey court orders what happens to a mama mboga in court seeking justice.”

He averred that the head of state, as the foremost custodian of the rule of law, should refrain from appearing to undermine the judiciary and instead, utilize legal avenues at his disposal to challenge decisions that he finds aggrieving.

“Public incitement against the judiciary is not only detrimental to our constitutional fabric but also compromises the sanctity of our legal system,” he added.

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