
Kisii official evades impeachment

Thursday, May 30th, 2024 01:00 | By
Kisii County assembly. PHOTO/Print

A last-minute intervention by a section of Kisii  Members of County Assembly (MCAs) saved Public Service Executive Committee Member, Dr Alfred Ndemo (pictured)from being impeached.

 The CEC had been accused of gross misconduct, gross violation of the constitution, abuse of office in an impeachment motion table by Bogeka MCA Richmond Manani.  An ad hoc committee comprising Michael Motume, Victor Ombasa, Lillian Omundi, Bouse Mairura and Lillian Gor tabled a probe report at the Assembly which sparked a heated debate.

Young family

 Minority leader Dennis Ombachi (Marani) said the allegations in the report had not met the threshold to remove the CEC from office.  “Ndemo has a young family and the youngest child is five months old. If we impeach him he will not get a job and his children will suffer,” Ombachi told the House chaired by Deputy Speaker Jacob Bagaka.

 The MCA noted the matters raised could easily be resolved by the executive administratively instead of subjecting Ndemo to an impeachment process.  He told the House that Ndemo engaged an enforcement officer to guard him, an act he said did not amount to gross misconduct as averred by the committee in its report.

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