
Kirinyaga bhang seller surrenders with 3 clergies in tow, apology letter

Saturday, April 15th, 2023 12:38 | By
Bhang. PHOTO/Courtesy

A suspected bhang peddler in Kerugoya, Kirinyaga County, has surrendered to the police with an apology letter and three clergymen on his side.

According to reports, the suspect was called out by Kirinyaga Central MP Gachoki Gitari a fortnight ago before he finally decided to surrender.

In the apology letter signed by himself and three clergymen, the suspect promised to reform and never sell the illegal drug again in his life.

"I can assure you that this will not be a repeat incident. I have respect for the law as well as officers of the law. I understand that you were just doing your duty to protect the community when you called me out," the letter read in part.

"If I can be of any help to you and the community, please feel free to contact me. I am ready to cooperate and campaign against drugs."

MP asks police to forgive the bhang peddler

Despite having surrendered to Kirinyaga Central Deputy County Commissioner Daniel Ndege, Gitari has called on the police to pardon the man, who has promised to change for the good.

"I am calling upon all drug dealers in the region to surrender themselves; if they do so they will be pardoned just like how the state does when telling illegal firearm holders to surrender their guns to authorities. If they don't heed this call we will go after all of them," said Gitari.

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