
Wiper leader claims more than 200 youth died during protests

Thursday, June 27th, 2024 02:05 | By
Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka. PHOTO/Print
Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka. PHOTO/Print

Azimio la Umoja Coalition yesterday asked the police to stop killing protestors and release all Kenyans abducted and detained following the anti-Finance bill protests that rocked the country on Tuesday.

This even as the leaders claimed that more than 200 Kenyans died in the hands of the police who used excessive force in managing the street protest.

“From all accounts, more than 200 Kenyans lost their lives while exercising their constitutional rights to peacefully assemble, demonstrate and picket. From our accounts of the 200, the police in Githurai, Nairobi, last night killed some 157 people. These numbers are more than likely to rise up,” said Wiper boss Kalonzo Musyoka without adducing any evidence.

Kalonzo also wondered why President Ruto never condoled with the victims and their families and instead congratulated the brute police for killing innocent and unarmed protesters.

According to Kalonzo (pictured), this was in the same fashion he did last year where 75 Kenyans were killed during the street protests, and he congratulated the police for “a job well done.” On Monday, Ruto attempted to suspend the Constitution of Kenya by terming the rights to protest under Article 37 as treasonous and our Youth as dangerous criminals.

“This is unacceptable and this is unconstitutional. Ruto must also tell the Nation who these abettors, funders and orchestrators of the Anti-Finance Bill demonstrations as he alleged last night. If he does not reveal the names it means that the hijackings, abductions and incommunicado detentions will continue,” said Kalonzo.

He went on: “We demand an end to the Gestapo-like abductions, killings and immediate release of all abductees. As Azimio, we will fight to defend the Constitution of Kenya. We shall also be challenging the unlawful actions of William Ruto and his murderous regime.”

Kalonzo while leading a host of MPs at the SKM Command Centre in Karen, said that the Kenya Kwanza regime crossed the Red Line.

“They crossed the Rubicon with devastating consequences. It was an unparalleled moment in our 61-year-old history. It is not too late for Ruto to pull the country back from the brink by declining to assent to this oppressive Finance Bill, 2024, and sending it back to Parliament for withdrawal and further engagement as demanded by Kenyans and the international community.”

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