Kakamega farmers urged to venture into pig keeping
By dennis-lumiti, December 20, 2023
The Kakamega County Government has launched a programme to commercialise pig farming.
Governor Fernandes Barasa said yesterday the county government will distribute piglets and train farmers. It will also organise them into groups through which they can pool resources and negotiate for better markets.
“Pig farming is one of the most profitable agribusinesses due to the prolific nature of the animals, with the ability to birth ten young ones at once and a short gestation period of three months, three weeks and three days and a swift maturation period of just six months,” the governor said.
He stated the programme is one of the interventions meant to empower residents through his “Wealth Creation and Food Security” initiatives.
Barasa said the first phase of the programme had benefited farmers in Ikolomani, Shinyalu, Navakholo and Lurambi sub-counties. Subsequent distribution will extend to the other eight sub-counties.
“To sustain this programme, farmers will employ the pass-on method, where after receiving an in-pig or two pigs (male and female), the beneficiaries are required to give four piglets to other farmers, after parturition,” he said.
He said a pig multiplication centre had been established at Bukura Agricultural Training College by the county’s Department of Agriculture.