
Gachagua, Nyoro supremacy battle shakes Kenya Kwanza

Monday, January 22nd, 2024 07:48 | By
Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro condoles with the family of Sigowet-Soin MP Justice Kemei Kipsang during the burial of his father, the late Kipkemei Chereng’eti. PHOTO/Print
Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro condoles with the family of Sigowet-Soin MP Justice Kemei Kipsang during the burial of his father, the late Kipkemei Chereng’eti. PHOTO/Print

The supremacy battle pitting Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua against Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro escalated over the weekend, splitting the ruling Kenya Kwanza coalition down the middle.

The Nyoro camp appeared to fire the first salvo on Saturday, when during a funeral ceremony in Kericho county, endorsed the Kiharu MP to succeed President William Ruto in 2032, instead of the incumbent.

Addressing mourners during the burial of the late Kipkemei Chereng’eti who was the father of Sigowet-Soin MP Justice Kemei, Belgut MP Nelson Koech urged Nyoro to go around the country “greeting” the people and Kenyans would decide when the time comes.

“ Start visiting every constituency like my constituency Belgut and Sigowet- Soin where we are today doing development and greeting people like when you were campaigning for president Ruto in 2022 and you delivered. At the end of it all Kenyans will see what you have done and reward you probably with a bigger post “, Koech told Nyoro.

“Tukifika hapo mbele na tuone uko sawa, what is the problem…watu ni wale wale, wenye waliombea Ruto wataangalia maneno yako (They are the same people that voted for him, and they are the ones to decide again),” he stated.

His sentiments were backed by Emurua Dikirr MP Johanna Ng’eno who stated: “There is no problem with planning for something ahead and so let us allow Ndindi to organise himself and let us allow those in our region to also do so.

In 2027, our leaders will be there but in 2032 no one knows, I might also be there and I may put this young man (Ndindi) on my back so please protect him, when you see him around give him water to drink.”

In what appeared like a well choreographed campaign to raise Nyoro’s profile, Konoin MP Brighton Yegon cited the Kiharu lawmaker’s development record, saying it placed him head and shoulder above other politicians in the Ruto succession race.

Last election

“We have been to your constituency and we have seen what you have done.

During the last election, you traversed most pasts of this country with the president hunting for votes and we want to thank you for that.

I recently heard the ODM chair talking about 2027 and I want to tell him that Raila should wait I don’t know for how long but until Nyoro becomes the president first, I don’t know the year,” he said.

When he rose to speak, Nyoro tactically avoided the debate, instead maintaining that the Mt Kenya region was firmly behind Ruto.

Those present at the function included Kericho Governor Erick Mutai, his Bomet counterpart Hillary Barchok, Senate majority leader Aaron Cheruiyot, MPs Kemei, Francis Sigei (Sotik), Benjamin Lang’at (Ainamoi), Hillary Koskei (Kipkelion West) and Kericho Woman Representative Beatrice Kemei.
But speaking in Kiambu county on Saturday evening, Gachagua appeared to hit back at the Nyoro camp, saying it was premature to start engaging in 2032 campaigns.

He instead asked Mt Kenya leaders to unite, shun divisive politics and promote greater participation of the youth in productive socio-economic activities.

Speaking at the Kiambu Golf Club during a thanksgiving ceremony for golf champion Michael Karanga, the Deputy President warned of a political scheme to divide the Mt Kenya region voting bloc in a veiled reference to the Nyoro campaign.

Divisive politics

He, however, said the schemers will not succeed in their mission as he asked the leaders to focus on development and socio-economic growth of the people.

“I urge the leaders to be united and focused. Those scheming to divide the region should know that the people of Mt Kenya are intelligent and are aware of what is happening. Those seeking to divide us are enemies of the region. Our relevance in national leadership lies on our unity. We know what disunity and divisive politics did to us in 1992 and 1997 elections,” he added.

Accompanied by tens of MPs from the region who declared their support fot him, Gachagua asked the leaders to be united by the vision of a strong and prosperous community.

He said he had embraced all leaders across the political divide irrespective of how they campaigned or voted in the 2022 General Election.

Leaders present included area MP Waithaka Machua, Kiambu Senator Karungo Thang’wa, Kiambu Woman Representative Anne Wamuratha, Kiambaa MP Njuguna Kawanjiku, Alice Ng’ang’a (Thika Town), Engineer John Kiragu (Limuru), Kamande Mwafrika (Roysambu), Mejja Donk Gathiru (Embakasi Central), members of East Africa Legislative Assembly (EALA) Kanini Kega and Maina Karobia, MCAs among other leaders.

“During the 2022 campaigns we said it was President Ruto ten years without a break and the same for DP Gachagua. I urge my colleagues in the Mt Kenya region that we focus on development and success of the President not succession of leadership, let us stop the politics and internal wrangles,” said Karobia.

Alice Ng’ang’a said: “There is always one leader at a time. We are fine with DP Gachagua’s leadership”.

She condemned attempts to divide the region through intercounty politics adding that it was disrespectful to start succession politics at a time President Ruto and Gachagua were only one year in office. The supremacy battle has been gaining momentum since the new year, almost dividing the Kenya Kwanza camp down the middle.

Two weeks ago, Gachagua had asked Kenya Kwanza leaders to stop the 2032 succession politics and focus on assisting President Ruto deliver development to the people.

Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro condoles with the family of Sigowet-Soin MP Justice Kemei Kipsang during the burial of his father, the late Kipkemei Chereng’eti. PD/courtesy

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