Five ways a woman’s body can signal fertility issues

By , October 17, 2019

By Ann Nyathira

Most women spend a lot of time trying not to get pregnant only for some to realize later that making a baby is actually a lot harder than most people let on. A majority of women who have had an issue with infertility will tell you that the journey is excruciating and it leaves them exhausted both physically and emotionally.

Unfortunately, a majority of women do not find out they may have issues until they are made aware by a fertility specialist. Early diagnosis and treatment of infertility issues can drastically improve a woman’s chance of getting pregnant.

Below are a few major overlooked signs of infertility in women:

  1. Irregular periods

It is very hard for a woman to differentiate between an irregular period and a normal one. This is because there is a wide range of what comprises irregular menstrual cycle. Periods that come very irregularly not at all is a major red flag that indicate you are not ovulating on the regularly which making it difficult for you to conceive.

Women who experience consistent cycle but have intermenstrual bleeding including bleeding with intercourse may signify structural issues like polyp, fibroids or infections. Spotting or intermittent bleeding can also be a cause of concern. Irregular periods can be caused by many things you may have a thyroid issue or hormonal imbalance and most of the time these issues are treatable.

2. Pelvic pain especially during intercourse or in bowel movements

Consistent excruciating pain during sex , there is a possibility of you having endometriosis. This condition affects nearly 10 per cent of the women before they hit menopause. In endometriosis the inner lining of the uterus grows outside the ovary and the fallopian tube and may distort fertility. Endometriosis can also cause very intense pain during periods. Although, endometriosis make conceiving difficult, many women with the help of an obstetrician/gynecologist go on to have a healthy pregnancies.

3.Milky discharge from your breast

Milky discharge on the breast if you are not pregnant or breastfeeding may be a sign of high levels of prolactin, the hormone that signals your body to make breast milk. Depending on the prolactin levels, women may experience infertility due to weak ovulation or zero ovulation. Raised prolactin upset the way sex hormones are produced. A doctor might prescribe a medication to lower your prolactin levels and bring your ovulation cycle back to normal.

4. Coarse hair in odd place

Coarse hair on your lips, chin or tummy may be annoying, they could also be a sign of polycystic ovary syndrome, a common hormonal disorder affecting women of productive age.

Women with PCOS may have high levels of male hormone androgen that can make getting pregnant difficult journey.

If you’ve noticed new hair growth on your face and body, it might be time to visit your doctor to figure out what’s going on. If it is PCOS, hormonal birth control like a pill, can typically refurbish your hormonal balance and keep the disorder under control.

5. Hot flushes

Constant hot flashes or sudden feeling of warmth that envelops your body might be a sign that you are dealing with premature menopause. This may vary depending on with your age, although a majority of women go through menopause at fifty, some will experience much earlier. Early menopause is one of the hardest cases of treat and requires immediate diagnosis and interventions.

Unfortunately, many women with infertility have no signs and symptoms other than not being able to conceive. If you are contemplating becoming pregnant anytime in the near future, it is worth visiting a doctor or fertility specialist. Most causes of infertility can easily be treated when detected early on.

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