
Faith Odhiambo visits DCI HQ, presents list of missing abductees

Friday, June 28th, 2024 20:51 | By
LSk President Faith Odhiambo together with MPS at DCI. PHOTO/@FaithOdhiambo8/x
LSk President Faith Odhiambo together with MPS at DCI. PHOTO/@FaithOdhiambo8/x

President of the Law Society of Kenya (LSK), Faith Odhiambo, along with her delegation, visited the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) to address the alarming rise in youth abductions.

The delegation, which included several Members of Parliament, presented a list of abducted youths at the department.

Faith Odhiambo's delegation

On Friday, June 29, 2024, Odhiambo accompanied by MPs Otiende Amollo (Rarieda), Mark Mwenje (Embakasi West), Amos Mwago (Starehe), Catherine Omanyo (Busia), Wanami Wamboka (Bumula), and nominated Senator Catherine Mumma, met Deputy Director John Onyango at the DCI Headquarters on Kiambu Road.

LSK president Faith Odhiambo
LSK president Faith Odhiambo. PHOTO/@FaithOdhiambo8/X

The purpose of the visit was to file a formal report demanding an investigation into the recent wave of abductions believed to be perpetrated by rogue elements within the police force.

"The council visited the DCI Headquarters at Kiambu Road for a meeting with the deputy director. We filed a formal report for investigations into the recent rampant abductions by unidentified persons believed to be a rogue faction of the police force," Odhiambo revealed on her X account.

During the meeting, Odhiambo and her team expressed grave concerns over the unconstitutional methods used to abduct young Kenyans exercising their democratic rights.

She criticized the DCI's apparent inaction in addressing these incidents.

"We emphasized our concerns over the draconian, unconstitutional tactics being deployed against Kenyan youth for exercising their democratic rights and raised our dissatisfaction with the apparent inaction by the Directorate," she added.

Faith Odhiambo's confirmation

The LSK President confirmed that they provided the DCI with a list of abductees who are still missing, stressing the importance of following up on these cases. She urged the public to report any new abductions.

LSK President Faith Odhiambo
LSK President Faith Odhiambo. PHOTO/@FaithOdhiambo8/X

"We supplied the DCI with a list of all abductees who are yet to be released whose information has been brought to the LSK. We intend to follow up on all outstanding cases and urge members of the public to raise alarm and bring to our attention any new cases of abductions that may arise," she concluded.

Among those abducted are Shadrack Kiprono, Austin Omondi, Lesley Muturi, Gabriel Oguda, John Frank Ngemi, and Kevin Monari, highlighting the urgent need for action to address these disturbing incidents.

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