Exposed: How MCAs get easy Sh1.5 billion in pay

By , July 6, 2022

Speakers and Members of County Assemblies (MCAs) rake in billions of shillings in sitting allowances, a report from the office of Controller of Budget reveals.

While the monthly pay differs by county, the average sitting allowance for MCAs range from Sh17,219 to Sh262,088, says the report. Cumulatively, the 47 counties gobbled up Sh1.5 billion in nine months on sitting allowances, against an approved annual allocation of Sh 2.59 billion.

The report indicates a huge discrepancy in sitting allowances among the 47 counties, exposing an unusual appetite to spend devolution cash on recurrent needs rather than on growth of the regions.

“This expenditure translates to 58.1 per cent of the approved MCAs’ sitting allowance budget, an increase from 51.8 per cent in a similar period of financial 2020/21 when Sh1.49 billion was spent,” says the COB report for the first nine months of 2021-2022, dated May 2022.

“Migori County reported higher expenditure on sitting allowance than the recommended monthly ceiling of Sh124,800 by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC),” the report adds.

The report prepared by Controller of Budget Margaret Nyakango shows that Baringo MCAs spent Sh23.07 million on committee sitting allowances for the 45 MCAs and Speaker, against the annual budget allocation of Sh63.36 million.

Average monthly sitting allowance was Sh55,734 per MCA against the SRC’s ceiling of Sh124,800.

During the period, the COB details that the assembly expenditure on domestic travel amounted to Sh245.54 million and comprised Sh128.69 million spent by the County Assembly and Sh116.85 million by the County Executive. “Spending on foreign travel amounted to Sh12.47 million and consisted of Sh6.40 million by the County Assembly and Sh6.07 million by the County Executive,” the report says.

Bomet County spent Sh18.60 million on committee sitting allowances for the 36 MCAs and Speaker, against the annual budget allocation of Sh30.63 million.

Way above ceiling

The average monthly allowance was Sh55,853 per MCA against the SRC’s recommended ceiling of Sh124,800. The Assembly established 20 committees.

Expenditure on domestic travel amounted to Sh173.82 million and comprise Sh 70.68 million spent by the County Assembly and Sh103.14 million by the County Executive. “Spending on foreign travel amounted to Sh48.75 million and consisted of Sh26.24 million by the County Assembly and Sh22.52 million by the County Executive,” the report sates.

In Bungoma County, MCAs spent Sh21.12 million on committee sitting allowances for the 61 MCAs and Speaker, against the annual budget allocation of Sh26.61 million. The average monthly sitting allowance was Sh39,370 per MCA against the SRC’s ceiling of Sh 124,800. The Assembly established 24 committees.

During the period, expenditure on domestic travel amounted to Sh486.98 million and comprised Sh178.23 million spent by the County Assembly and Sh 308.75 million by the Executive The report adds: “Spending on foreign travel amounted to Sh 6.32 million and consisted of Sh2.32 million by the County Assembly and Sh3.99 million by the Executive,”

MCAs in Busia County spent Sh55.51 million on committee sitting allowances for the 54 MCAs and Speaker, against the annual budget allocation of Sh75.59 million. The average monthly sitting allowance was Sh114, 211 per MCA against SRC’s ceiling of Sh124,800. The County Assembly has 21 committees.

During the period, expenditure on domestic travel amounted to Sh142.32 million and comprised Sh65.04 million spent by the County Assembly and Sh77.28 million by the County Executive. “Spending on foreign travel amounted to Sh1.31 million and was incurred by the County Executive,” the report states.

In Elgeyo Marakwet, MCAs spent Sh31.59 million on sitting allowances for the 34 MCAs and Speaker against the annual budget allocation of Sh 43.50 million.

The average monthly sitting allowance was Sh103,233 per MCA against the SRC’s recommended ceiling of Sh124,800. The County Assembly has 18 committees.

Expenditure on domestic travel was Sh100.46 million and comprised Sh 64.88 million spent by the County Assembly and Sh 35.58 million by the Executive. “Spending on foreign travel amounted to Sh8.83 million and consisted of Sh 7.67 million by the County Assembly and Sh1.16 million by the Executive,” the report states.

In Embu County, the ward representatives spent Sh19.21 million on committee sitting allowances for the 35 MCAs and Speaker against the annual budget allocation of Sh 29.00 million.

The average monthly sitting allowance was Sh60,998 per MCA against the SRC’s recommended monthly ceiling of shs.124,800.

The County Assembly has established 18 committees.

During the period, expenditure on domestic travel amounted to Sh130.95 million and comprised Sh107.06 million spent by the County Assembly and Sh23.89 million by the County Executive.

Spending on foreign travel amounted to Sh30.75 million and consisted of shs.30.34 million by the County Assembly and Sh.0.40 million by the County Executive.

Garissa County ward representatives spent Sh33.00 million on committee sitting allowances for the 51 MCAs and Speaker against the annual budget allocation of Sh63.24 million.

 The Assembly has 18 established committees with the average monthly sitting allowance being Sh71, 886 per MCA against the SRC’s recommended monthly ceiling of Sh12, 800.

The County Assembly has established 18 committees.

In Homa Bay County MCAs spent Sh.61.08 million on committee sitting allowances for the 61MCAs and Speaker against the annual budget allocation of Sh117.72 million.

The average monthly sitting allowance was Sh111, 248 per MCA against the SRC’s recommended monthly ceiling of Sh 124,800.

The County Assembly has established 25 committees.

During the period, expenditure on domestic travel amounted to Sh168.22 million and comprised Sh85.20 million spent by the County Assembly and Sh 83.02 million by the County Executive.

Spending on foreign travel amounted to Sh47.05 million and consisted of Sh28.86 million by the County Assembly and Sh18.19 million by the County Executive.

In Isiolo County Assembly spent Sh 4.92 million on committee sitting allowances for the MCAs and Speaker against the annual budget allocation of Kshs.15.67 million.

The average monthly sitting allowance was Sh30, 400 per MCA against the SRC’s recommended monthly ceiling of Sh124,800.

The County Assembly has established 13 committees. During the period, expenditure on domestic travel amounted to Sh 67 million and comprised Sh 55.64 million spent by the County Assembly and Sh111.33 million by the County Executive.

Expenditure on foreign travel amounted to Sh.0.82 million by the County Executive

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