
Standoff in Embu Town as youths rally against Finance Bill 2024

Thursday, June 20th, 2024 13:14 | By
Youth in Embu hold placards protesting Finance Bill 2024. PHOTO/Brian Malila
Youth in Embu hold placards protesting Finance Bill 2024. PHOTO/Brian Malila

Tensions flared in Embu Town yesterday as hundreds of impassioned youths took to the streets, protesting against the controversial Finance Bill 2024.

Demonstrators, fearing dire economic repercussions, flocked to the busy Embu town, demanding that their Members of Parliament rejects the proposed legislation.

Finance Bill protests

The protest, marked by fervent chants and resolute speeches, saw youths wielding placards emblazoned with bold messages condemning the bill. "Reject the Bill!" and "No to Economic Suffering!" the signs read.

Embu Youth protest Finance Bill 2024. PHOTO/Brian Malila
Embu Youth protest against Finance Bill 2024. PHOTO/Brian Malila

The demonstrators expressed concerns that if the bill is passed, it will cripple their already strained finances and push them further into hardship.

The proposed Finance Bill 2024 has sparked widespread controversy, with critics arguing it would lead to increased taxes and reduced government spending on essential services.

Esther Mukami, one of the protesters, said they are struggling with unemployment and the high cost of living, noting that the bill represents a threat to the economic stability of all Kenyans.

Finance Bill protest locations

The youths camped at the Manyatta Constituency office in Embu Town, issuing a stern ultimatum to their Member of Parliament John Mukunji.

"Mukunji must choose: reject this bill or face our wrath in the 2027 elections," one of the protesters Consolata Githengi declared.

Youth in Embu for anti-Finance Bill 2024. demos PHOTO/Brian Malila
Youth in Embu during anti-Finance Bill 2024 demos. PHOTO/Brian Malila

They also criticized Mbeere North MP Geoffrey Ruku for sponsoring a bill to charge those who engage in demonstrations.

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