
Don’t pollute Laikipia rivers, residents told

Tuesday, October 4th, 2022 06:40 | By
River Laikipia
River Laikipia. PHOTO/Courtesy.

Laikipia residents have been warned against polluting water sources so as to prevent waterborne ailments.

Laikipia County Director-In-Charge of Environment, John Mukui, urged residents to practice proper waste management.

He spoke during a clean-up of Nanyuki River (right), adding that drought in Kenya is due to climate change.

“We can only avert this through afforestation,” he advised. 

The coordinator of  William Holdings Wildlife Foundation Education Centre, Michael Ng’ang’a, said the clean-up would ensure that residents living downstream get clean water.

Chunks of cloth, nylon and plastic were removed from the river.

The event was also attended by Eric Mahugu of the Kenya Scout Association.

“Whole idea behind cleaning the Nanyuki River is because this is the only river that passes through Nanyuki town and is used by many people downstream,” said Ng’ang’a.

During the exercise, huge chunks of cloth, nylon papers and plastics were removed from the river which Ng’ang’a said is due to increased human activities, for instance laundry and waste dumping.

Eric Mahugu representing Kenya Scout Association, said rivers are the heartbeat of Nature and at the same time urged youth to conserve the environment for the sake of future generations.

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