Class Eight girl arrested after strangling to death another girl, 15, over boyfriend
By Njange Maina, November 22, 2020
Police in Masii, Mwala Machakos County are holding a 15-year old girl after she allegedly strangled to death a girl, also 15, in a suspected love triangle.
On Saturday, the suspect led the police to a bush where detectives recovered the murder weapon, a rope, near the scene of crime.
The boy at the middle of the deadly triangle is also in custody, and police said he is assisting in investigations.
In a statement, police said the suspect is a class 8 pupil at Kaitha Primary School.
“The suspect pointed out the murder weapon a strong rope, brown in colour which was about 150m away from the crime scene. The rope was hidden under dry thorny bushes which she used to strangled the deceased,” read the police statement.
The girl is said to have committed the crime on November 16 and undressed her victim to make it look like a rape and murder case, the police said.
Author Profile
Njange Maina
Njange Maina is a journalist by profession with a degree in Journalism from the Multimedia University of Kenya. He is currently pursuing a micro-masters degree in Digital Branding and Marketing. He is interested in digital media, human interest stories, and business journalism.
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