Candidates with A plain in last year exam on rise

By , January 10, 2025

The total number of candidates who scored straight As in last year’s KCSE results rose to 1,693 from 1,216 in 2023, representing 0.18 percentage increase.

Similarly, A- (minus) grades shot up to 9,436 from 8,470 the previous year, a 0.98 per cent climb cumulatively, representing a 6.78 per cent jump.

In the gender performance index, boys beat girls by about a half, with 1,136 of them scoring A (plain) against 556 by the latter.

The number of candidates who posted grade B+ (plus) shot up to 19,150 compared to 18,078 in the previous year, which is a 1.98 per cent increase.

Of the 962,512 candidates who sat the 2024 KCSE examination, 480,310 were male, while 482,202 were female, representing 49.90 per cent and 50.10 per cent of the total candidature respectively. 

Education Cabinet Secretary Julius Ogamba said it is the first time since inception of KCSE examination that female candidates are more than their male counterparts.

The total candidature rose by 64,553, representing 7.19 per cent increase from the year before.

University entry

The number of candidates with direct university entry qualification of grade C+ (plus) and above was 246,391 (25.53 per cent) in the year 2024 KCSE examination compared to 201,133 (22.27 per cent) in the 2023.

“This can be attributed to new grading system,” Ogamba explained, adding that the number of candidates with grade C- (minus) (TVET Diploma) and above was 476,889 (49.41 per cent) in the year 2024 KCSE examination compared to 401,216 (44.42 per cent) in 2023.

“The number of candidates attaining a pass  (grade D plus and above) was 605,774 (62.76 per cent) in the 2024 KCSE exam compared to 401,216 (44.42 per cent) in 2023,” he added.

Additionally, the number of candidates attaining a pass grade (grade D+ and above) was 605,774 (62.76 per cent) in the year 2024 KCSE exam in comparison to 526,222 (58.27 per cent) in 2023.

There was a general improvement in subject performance, including science subjects.

“Out of the 30 subjects offered in the 2024 KCSE examination, 17 subjects recorded a significant improvement in performance. These subjects were Mathematics Alt. A & B, Biology, Physics and Chemistry,” Ogamba said.

Others were General Science, History & Government, Geography, IRE, Agriculture, Woodwork, Metal Work, Drawing & Design, Aviation Technology, Computer Studies, Kenyan Sign Language and Business Studies.

However, ten subjects recorded a drop in performance; English, Kiswahili, Biology for the Blind, CRE, Home Science, Building Construction, Electricity, French, German and Music.

Female candidates recorded better mean score performance than male candidates in seven subjects, including English (101); Kiswahili (102); Kenyan Sign Language (504); French (501); Home Science (441); CRE (313); and Art & design (442).

Male candidates recorded better mean score performance than female candidates in 23 subjects among them Mathematics Alt. A & B, Biology & Biology for the Blind, Physics, Chemistry, General Science, History & Government, Geography, IRE, Woodwork, Metal work, Building & Construction, Power Mechanics, Electricity, Drawing & Design, Aviation Technology, Agriculture, Computer Studies, German, Arabic, Music and Business Studies.

“As it was in the 2023 KCSE examination, the 2024 KCSE examination results have been graded using the reviewed grading system in which the overall grade at KCSE examination has considered Mathematics the best overall subject. Best performed languages were English, Kiswahili and the Kenyan Sign Language,” said Ogamba.

In regional gender enlisting, 14 counties had a significant entry of more female than male candidates with Vihiga leading at 55.15 per cent, Elgeyo Marakwet (53.76 per cent, Kiambu (52.78 per cent), Nairobi (52.41 per cent: 47.59 per cent), Kirinyaga (51.46 per cent), Meru (51.69 per cent, among others.

Similarly, 14 counties had a significant entry of more male than female candidates.

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