
Aukot hits out at Punguza Mizigo critics, denies DP sponsoring bill

Thursday, September 12th, 2019 21:18 | By
Thirdway Alliance Kenya party leader Ekuru Aukot. PHOTO/(Aukot)X

Third Way Alliance leader Dr Ekuru Aukot has accused politicians opposed to his Punguza Mzigo bill of running scared of it because of their questionable past.

He said some of them have ganged up and are now placing hurdles on the bill through propaganda and dismissed claims that Deputy President William Ruto was the sponsor of his initiative.

Aukot in particular directed his anger at Opposition chief Raila Odinga, Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka and Ford Kenya leader Moses Wetang’ula accusing them of propagating a narrative of blatant lies to members of the county assemblies to oppose the bill which seeks to cut the cost of the government.

“For donkey years, the same selfish political class has been hindering our country from seeing the light and that’s why they are now on our bill to tell innocent Kenyans. They have been in the government for the longest time ever yet Kenyans can’t account anything from them rather than their usual cases of corruption,” he said. 

The ODM leader Raila has been urging Kenyans to disregard the Punguza Mzigo referendum push and asked them to await the proposals of Building Bridges Initiative, a product of the Handshake between him and President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Also his firing line was Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru, who has dismissed  the Aukot bill  and categorically declared her support for BBI because it will be inclusive and allow Mt Kenya region to have a stake  in the next government after Uhuru completes his second and final term in office.

Addressing the press yesterday at the party’s headquarters, Aukot said Waiguru lacks the moral authority to oppose a bill which is committed in addressing cases of graft.

“ The NYS cat walker is now telling lies about our bill yet every Kenyan knows that she cannot tell Kenyans about integrity...,” said Aukot.

The slur between the two began on Wednesday after Kirinyaga County Assembly trashed the bill.

Waiguru is on the record describing the bill as an “unfortunate embarrassment to Kenyans”.

However, Aukot dismissed Waiguru’s claims saying the bill was defeated in Kirinyaga county as the County Assembly had not conducted any public participation as enshrined in the Constitution.

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