
Arati fights drug stealing cartels in Kisii

Thursday, February 1st, 2024 04:05 | By
Kisii Governor Simba Arati. PHOTO/Print
Kisii Governor Simba Arati. PHOTO/Print

Kisii Governor Simba Arati has intensified efforts to monitor the distribution of drugs in the county’s health facilities to curb the theft of the supplies.

Consequently, he has directed Sub-county medical officers of health, administrators and the Executive Committee Members to work together to weed out cartels that have been stealing drugs.

Arati, accompanied by Health Executive Committee Member, Ronald Nyakweba spoke at Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital after he flagged of drugs worth Sh57 million to 157 facilities across the county.

“I urge level 4 health facilities to provide daily consumption reports on drugs to the Health Executive Committee Member to enhance accountability,” he said.

He challenged managers of level five health facilities to raise adequate revenue to sustain themselves.
The governor said the facilities make profits unlike the level One, Two and Three facilities, which offer free services.

The governor deplored the theft of 7,240 mosquito nets by two individuals, terming it unacceptable.

He said an individual in South Mugirango stole 3,920 nets while another in Nyaribari Masaba constituency stole 3,920 nets.

“Nets stolen from Nyaribari Masaba were recovered and are at Nyangusu Police Station. The individual who stole the nets in South Mugirango is however still at large,” Arati noted.

He said the individual in South Mugirango is believed to have fled and is being protected by a politician. The governor said that he is being pursued and will be arrested to face the law.

“How do you steal nets meant for poor people? Where are you taking them,? he posed.
According to the Governor, the county received a total of 941,368 nets to be distributed across nine constituencies.

Michael Oyunge, Gucha sub-county public health officer says, this is a nationally supported programme that is being funded by Global Fund through the national malaria control program in the Ministry of Health in partnership with the county government of Kisii.

The exercise in the Gucha sub-county commenced with the registration of households, where a team of community health frontiers registered a total population of 176,984 out of 30,142 households.

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