
ODM MP Amisi to youths: Don’t fall for Ruto-Gachagua wars

Friday, June 28th, 2024 14:05 | By
President William Ruto and Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua during a Cabinet briefing on the 2024/2025 budget in June 13, 2024. PHOTO/@WilliamsRuto/X
President William Ruto and Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua during a Cabinet briefing on the 2024/2025 budget in June 13, 2024. PHOTO/@WilliamsRuto/X

Saboti Member of Parliament (MP) Caleb Amisi has warned the youth not to be distracted by the perceived political war between President William Ruto and his deputy, Rigathi Gachagua.

The President and the DP have recently been at loggerheads, but that was overshadowed by the angry youth demonstrating against the Finance Bill 2024 this week.

Amisi told Gen Zs to remain peaceful as they make demands on the government, adding that they should not be used by anyone to settle political scores.

"Dear Kenyans, let us not fall into the Gachagua and Ruto wars. Gen Z did their protest on Tuesday and achieved massive. They have not announced any other protests.

"Until they do so, what is happening now is sponsored youths within the two warring factions of this dysfunctional government in various selected parts of the country to score certain political narratives. No youth should be used by anybody.

"Focus. Kenyans want both Ruto and Gachagua to go home. Gen Z are very peaceful, as we have seen, and they have a purpose. Nobody can stop an idea whose time has come. Kenya needs a renaissance!" Amisi posted on his social media platforms on Friday, June 28, 2024.

In a separate post, the legislator warned Gen Zs not to plan to march to the State House, arguing that that could lead to massive casualties.

"Let no one deceive Gen Z into thinking that you will walk to the State House and remove the president. You will be showered with bullets, and the world will not pity you. This regime does not care about shedding blood to remain in power.

"This president loves himself and loves power more than the country. The country made a grave mistake by electing such a character in a modern democratic, geopolitically hegemonic power like Eastern Africa. But he is in office constitutionally, and you can only remove him through constitutional means," he said.

Protesters barricade a section of Moi Avenue as they demonstrated against the Finance Bill 2024 in Nairobi. PHOTO/Lucky Oluoch
Protesters barricade a section of Moi Avenue as they demonstrated against the Finance Bill 2024 in Nairobi. PHOTO/Lucky Oluoch

The Orange Democratic Movement MP gave the only way available for the dissatisfied youth to kick Ruto out of power.

"Constant countrywide massive peaceful protest, mark the word peaceful. Frogmarch any hooliganism and thieves within the protest movement to the nearest police station. When RUto lies, protest; when money is lost, protest; when draconian bills are brought to parliament, protest," Amisi continued.

Other options are constant pressure on MPs to bring a vote of no confidence in the presidency and protest until they impeach them; initiating court proceedings at the Supreme Court under Article 1 on the legitimacy of his rule against openly countrywide rejection.

Writing to Kenya's international lenders is also not a trick to end Ruto's presidency, Amisi said.

"Write protest letters to the World Bank, IMF, Chinese government, and American government outlining issues of concern to the economy of Kenya and new ways of engagement, including trade agreements.

"Write to all international lenders to stop loaning Kenya until issues of corruption are addressed, ministers and other corrupt state officials are jailed, money recouped, and proper bureaucratic institutions are put in place," he concluded.

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