Silence is king: Master the art of keeping mum to win or ditch her

By , June 10, 2022

The one weapon you will need to hone and master is the art of silence. Silence will win you girls as well as help you break up with them. It is important to note that anything you say in any interaction with the other gender shall and will be used against you.

So, choose what you disclose with care. Remember that you can never win an argument with fairer sex. Silence is one way of building your own air of mystery. There is nothing as confounding to a woman as a mysterious man.

They feel the need to figure everything out and will be eating out of your palm as they try to learn you. Remember to impart only a few tidbits about yourself as this will keep them hooked.

It will make them feel special that they are the only women who know an intimate truth about you and keep their hope that if they stay longer, they might learn more. Remember not to share any groundbreaking truths about yourself.

Delilah and Samson would have probably ended differently had Samson remained mute about his source of strength. Samson might have even married Delilah as Delilah would have thought that such a promise would ensure she gets to the secret, who knows? If you are ever in an argument, walk away in silence.

Do not stay and fight. Do not retort with the witty barbs that you are sure can destroy her. Walk out of her life if the verbal fights are too frequent or if she is becoming too entitled to your company and time. Let her know that you are a king and that giving her time is a privilege that she should be grateful for.

Show her that others still find you attractive and that you have actively chosen her, something she should not take for granted. Remember to never get sucked into an emotional fight.

You are the man. You set the pace of the relationship. If you ever get tired of a girl or you find that she is getting too attached to you, go mute. Do not block her. Just stay silent. She will probably remember your birthday and text you happy birthday.

Do not respond no matter how flattered you feel that she remembered. Do not respond even when she threatens you with huge acts of terror or love. Give it time, and the intensity of the feeling will fade. And whatever you do, do not be roped back into her good graces.

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