
Seven things to know about a newborn baby

Seven things to know about a newborn baby

Almost everything comes with a manual, unfortunately, newborn does not.

In most cases, it is usually trial and error especially with the first child.

Also what might have worked perfectly for your first child may not work for the other.

This experience can be confusing and sometimes rob you the joy of being a mother.

Below are some basic things you need to know about being a mother.

  1. Babies look strange

All babies are born beautiful, but do not expect them to have the television baby product commercial look.

They are not the best looking at birth. Social media has brought about the perfection with celebrities posting much filtered photos of their cute bundle of joy.

This has created anxiety, many new parents are always curious to know what their baby will look like.

Newborn may come out looking a bit funny, their face may be squashed and look a bit pale for a couple of days after birth

2. They demand time

Putting  a baby to sleep and feeding them might seem like a pretty easy thing to do, truth is this calls for a lot of work and time.

From changing diapers to rocking a screaming baby to sleep, you will end up spending a huge portion of your day caring for your newborn baby when you thought you would be able to juggle work life and motherhood.

3.They do not need a nursery

Unless you are an instagram mother who is always causing traffic jam on social platform, feeding your followers with every little update of your life, you newborn baby does not need a nursery.

Newborn babies barely know what their fingers are.

The odds of them appreciating the hours and money you put in do decorate their nursery are minimal.

Although, it is beautiful to walk into a well decorated nursery, it is not necessary, so do not overstretch yourself since your baby may want to sleep with you most of the time.

4.They learn language in the womb

Newborn babies are quite intelligent , they can hear sound from when they are 23 weeks old and have the ability to learn about language as well as identify familiar voices.

You are encouraged to talk to them constantly and play music for them.

5.They have a big appetite.

Babies are known to grow at a very fast rate, you will need to nurse them correctly for them to be healthy.

Furthermore, their little stomachs empty very fast so it will seem like all they do the whole day is suckle.

Experts say that newborn child should feed an average of every two to three hours.

This occurs during the first five months then they will be able to go for longer periods without feeding.

6.They don’t always fall asleep easily

Newborn babies come with frustrating nap times and rehearsed soothing songs that may or not lead the to sleep.

This is one of those situations will test your patients and limit as a parent.

Waking up several times to the sound of a screaming baby should be expected.

Just remember to breath, and have a support system to help you with the baby on the days that you are exhausted.

7. They poop everywhere

One would think that newborn baby poop would be less smelly since they are mostly on milk diet, well, they don’t.

Those tiny human beings do not always poop all the time but when they do, it is definitely smelly, and they certainly do it everywhere.

There will be times when you will think they are done pooping when they decide to decorate our cloth or your hands.


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