Meet Lyndah Ashlie Kebati aka Thee_ Lovechild a thriving plus-size model
Lyndah Ashlie Kebati aka Thee_ Lovechild is a thriving plus-size model who showcases different styles and offers tips on pairing outfits. She chats with Chebet Korir about body positivity and her love for fashion.
Tell us about yourself and what you do
I am a body positivity advocate, freelance model, influencer, content creator and the owner of a small and thriving fashion house known as Mrembo Satisfashion.
What’s Mrembo Satisfashion all about?
Many plus-size boutiques and online stores don’t sell outfits that fit my sense of style.
I’m a young and attractive plus-size lady and I did not want my type of clothing to insinuate that I am a 40-year-old. So, I decided to come up with my own designs and have them tailored.
You have a unique sense of style. What sparked your interest in fashion?
Getting outfits that are trendy, stylish and classy is pretty hard for me, and I also don’t enjoy dressing like most people.
If somebody else has it, then I don’t want that. This led me to personally start working on my style hence most of my clothes are customised to fit my style.
How do you settle on a look when dressing for occasions?
I have to check the weather, theme, location and other factors such as photography or potential magazine features? If that’s the case then I have to step out and showcase the masterpiece.
How does your style reveal your personality and lifestyle?
I believe that first impressions matter, and people will absolutely judge you by your appearance before judging your personality.
We are all visual beings. I’ve always been told that I come out as bold, confident and kind of intimidating.
I always want to stand out; I enjoy being different and that makes me special.
Describe your style?
I wouldn’t say I have a specific kind of style because I am diverse. I am a more of a plus-size edition who can wear any type of outfit.
Talk about your journey as a bold and plus-size digital content creator
The journey has been exhilarating and frustrating at the same time. Being a plus-size content creator is genuinely not all rainbows and butterflies.
You have to work harder yet the opportunities you’re getting don’t match the effort that you display.
How many brands are genuinely working with plus-size content creators? Let’s not even begin talking about the cyber-bullying and body shaming.
If you don’t have a thick skin you can sink into depression and have suicidal thoughts.
What does body positivity mean to you, especially when it comes to your fashion?
Loving yourself and your body in every state. Everything you do is about your mindset.
I always ask myself, “How do I expect someone else to give me the love, appreciation and respect that I have never given myself?” People only treat you how you treat yourself.
Fashion and style is all about confidence rather than what you’ve worn. Start treating yourself like the people you look up to.
The year just started. Are there fashion trends you’d share?
Fancy chic crop blazers and blouses, silk shirts, high-waisted pants, matching oversized shirt and pants set.
How best do you pair outfits?
Colour coordination is genuinely the key to pairing any outfit. Also, if it makes sense to you, it doesn’t have to make sense to other people. Therefore, be bold and confident.
So, how do the right and wrong clothes affect one’s look?
Your outfit will always introduce you before your personality does. So, kindly invest in your looks.
You can’t wear a sequin dress to a chilled outdoor day event and expect us not to judge. Dress according to the occasion.
What’s the biggest mistake men make when shopping or dressing up?
Not being able to colour coordinate because of toxic masculinity. Why can’t men wear pink or floral prints?
I tend to believe that a number of men don’t appreciate themselves because they find it hard to invest in their looks.
They would rather go for dull colours such as blue, black or grey, not ironing their clothes and being afraid of trying other colours.
What do you gravitate to the most when shopping?
Blazers, shapewear, heels, statement accessory pieces, glasses, belts, earrings, necklaces and handbags.
Five items every woman should have in her wardrobe…
A little black dress, a pair of black or nude heels, shapewear, a good quality bra and a blazer.
Do you have any fashion icon?
Weirdly no. I want to be a fashion icon that people look up to.
Your style secret weapon?
…and your first fashion memory?
When we used to call belly bottom pants, hipsters. That was a good era.
Take us through your fashion evolution.
I was once a Tom Boy and now look at me. My mother is still shocked about the transformation.